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Posts posted by johndmoore1

  1. Hello Anthony,


    I read your post and wanted to chime in. I realize that this must be a very difficult time - but let me assure you that you are not alone with your feelings. All of us at one time or another have had to deal with a breakup and it is never easy. What is important now is that you focus on your life, your needs and your feelings. Start to become selfish and concentrate on those things that make you happy. I don't usually post on these boards, but your post caught my attention so I wanted to show some support. If you get the chance, visit my website as it contains some helpful reading in my reading room.




    John D. Moore, MS, CADC

    Author of Confusing Love with Obsession

    link removed

  2. TTUBBS,


    I read your post and just wanted to say that what you are feeling is very normal. We all have entered into relationships that we later come to regret. I can only suggest that you consider speaking with a professional about your concerns and begin to garner the required support you need in order to help you through the decision process.


    Sometimes, we enter into relationships with people under the subconscious beleif that we can somehow "change" or "save" the person - when in reality - we are hoping that the other party can save us. I am not saying this is happening with you, however you may want to do some soul searching to uncover any hidden dynamics that may be at play. Recently, I authored a book that deals with the very subject you have addressed here on this fora - feel free to visit my website to learn more.

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