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Posts posted by princeslondon

  1. I miss you today. I texted you today......and nothing. I'm such a fool. I'm glad it was about something important but getting no response when I know you have your phone with you constantly .....that hurt. I don't know whether you hate me (you said you never would) or whether you have been evaluating things over the last month and have realised that you don't want/need me in your life anymore. You don't even need to be polite.....or acknowledge me. That hurts, really hurts. Knowing you made a conscious decision to ignore me. I just miss you and I miss the days when I would of got a reply within 2 minutes. I guess that's what we are now. Strangers with memories .....like you said. Love you.

  2. Day 12. I still miss him, but his image and things about him are slowly fading from my memory. Very strange. I'm so glad he is away with work now for the next week or 2. No chance of me hearing him on the radio at work. I feel like I am starting to see the relationship for what is was. It hurts he hasn't been in touch, but I guess why would he? He said no more contact and I've respected, that wish. It hurts that he's been FB messaging a colleague/friend of mine but I know its for an ego boost and nothing more....pathetic man. Ill be happy when another 2 weeks have passed I think. Gotta keep going.....I do often wonder if he's thinking about me....I'm so proud of myself for no contacting him. X

  3. Baby, shove this no contact crap...I miss you!! I've been thinking about you these past 10 days....no contact for 10 days.....its been awful. I've cried and wondered what you are doing every day and night. I keep trying to train my head to think its over....move on girly....but I can't....I have hope. Why do I have hope? You told me I'd burned our bridges, you told me I'd caused all this....you said I couldn't contact you now for a few months, because of what's happened. I wish I could go bacK in time .....just a month. I would have done things so differently. Part of me knows how quickly you move on, you did with me....do you have a new interest now, someone to message and stroke your ego for you now that I'm not doing it. Eugh. I love you but at the same time you make me so angry.

  4. Hey guys, I feel for you! I'm a girl and I've been in your girlfriends situation before...my feelings had changed for an ex.. .they changed over about 6 months but I only really realised I wanted 'out' the last month of the relationship. It was hard, we'd been together for 2.5 years! I just grew apart from him, he was still my best mate but I didnt want to spend my life with him. He did the right thing and stayed away.....he didn't really contact me and I missed him to bits!! Started thinking....I've made a mistake, so I called him after about 2 weeks I think....said lets get back together.....we were good at first, but I realised that I had 'missed' my friend....not really my BF. Things then ended a second time and apart from a few cringey encounters, we havent met since.....I think he's married now with a kid. I on the other hand am divorced and have just come out of a relationship that was AWFUL because I keep choosing arseholes!! I shoulda stayed with him! Lol x

  5. Great thread. Day 7 of no contact today. Keep feeling sad and wanting to throw up still, hate being back at work, hate being at home. Think about what he is doing ALL the time. I wonder if he is thinking about me lots too, I wonder where his mind 'goes' when he isn't busy/at night/ first thing in the morning.......I keep willing him to text or phone but he told me no contact for a few months, because of the bad breakup. Eugh, this is hard. I just want to sleep ALL day x

  6. God I miss you this morning. I'm at work and I'm tired and usually I'd have had my 'good morning gorgeous' text by now.....I keep wondering what you're doing....I know you're going away this week, I hope that it reminds you of 'us' going away together. I'm hoping you miss me this week, but something inside tells me you're healing much better than me. You are so busy, working here there and everywhere and I'm stuck here, missing you like crazy. I hate the way it ended,I hate that I got so upset. Its been 7 days NC now....one of the toughest weeks of my life Love you, have fun on your course x

  7. DAY 6.


    Oh Raine, your post really echoed how I'm feeling. I'm on day 6....I've had such a bad week. Missed him terribly, been so so tempted to text saying 'miss you' or 'love you' or 'thinking of you baby' but I haven't. I would NEVER call because he has trained himself not to answer my calls, such willpower, if he called me...I'd pick up in a heartbeat....why is that? Because he knows its over and he knows talking me to won't achieve anything or change the situation. I know he hasnt had it easy, he has told me more than once (in person) that he misses me and writes down everything he wants to say to me (good and bad) in a book. Those arnt the actions of someone who is 'fine'. I went out 2 nights this week for drinks....missed him immensly both nights....alcohol is not my friend. This week will be easier as I know he's away with work and I know he won't be home if I wanted to go and see him or something (not that I think I would). Eugh. This sucks. I need a hug and bedtime cuddles and good morning kisses. Boohooo xx

  8. I miss you again this morning. Our second day off and I wonder what you're up to, I know you'll be picking little man up today and will have nice plans with him for the next few days. I miss you both. I keep thinking of you two having a great time and being outside and me wanting to be part of the family again. I know your family and friends think bad of me and the way I handled the breakup, I was hurting though....you hurt me when you told everyone I broke up with you publicly, you know that was a lie, you know you told me on the phone it was over, it was all a game to you, you didn't think I'd go but I did. I deserved better Jon! I deserved to feel special and wanted and needed....I hadn't done for a long time. Anyway, you know all this, just wish I could come over and we could talk. I hope you miss me too, I know you said you missed me everyday and wanted to text me all the time, but you can't because for now, its over. I hate this Love you always x

  9. I miss you today. I can't believe how you've treated me in the last three weeks....I loved you so much, I still do bubs. Seeing you on Sunday night was hard but I'm glad we talked and I got to cuddle you and feel you in my arms again. I know you told me in a few months, when things have calmed down....maybe we can be friends or go out for a drink. I don't want that though, I don't want a fck-buddy. I want you as my partner, my other half, I want to be a family again. Its only day 3 of NC but our rest days are the hardest....I know you'll think of things to do....you'll keep busy, you're a bloke. I'm struggling though. I hope you are thinking of me like you said you did....I hope you are struggling like I am. I hope that removing all trace of me in the house wasn't enough. I love you baby, please call, please come over, please text xxx

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