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Posts posted by effreyj007

  1. I would say its best to come clean. If things were ever to take a serious step forward (ie marriage) then that would constantly bee on your mind. If it came out years later and the other person could not forgive you. More is at risk, Especially if children are involved. If you have a stong bond with this person the will most likley forgive you and appreciate the honesty you have aded to your relationship.

  2. I also wanted to add that there are times when she gives me clues and signals like she wants to take it to the next level and times it just the opposite. For example when we are alone it seems to me like she is into me and things could go further and when she talks to mutual friends she gives out the opposite signs. almost like talking out both sides of her mouth. Thanks for any advice....

  3. First let me give some background info. I first became intrested in this girl at work she was my boss. i told her how i felt. she said she didnt feel comfortable dating people from work. after that it seemed we became closr and a friendship grew. my feelings only got stronger, but i never mentioned it again. a few months later i left that job for two reasons. 1 a better opprtunity, and it her. somehow i thought if i left then i could date her. we went on a trip to cancun as "friends" and nothing really happened besides some hardcore teasing on her end. now during all of this she has had a boyfriend. shortly after cancun he got caught cheating and it really messed her up. so much that we didnt talk for almost 2 months. some mutual friends of ours got us together at a club about 5 weeks ago and it seems like we have been inseprable since then. we speen the weekends together email while at work or on the phone. no im younger than her by 4 years and she is completely finished with school whlie i have two years let to complete my masters. we have talked about dating and taking it to the next level as we have never done more than the kiddy stuff. holding hand ect. she says that she needs someone who is ready to start their life and cant wait for someone to catch up to her. she makes excuses to a mutual friend when the talk about us and then when its just her and i things a cool. i know shes likes me but it seems she talks out of both sides of her mouth.

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