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Posts posted by Slowjam35

  1. It sucks that we ended on a bad note because of me. I acted extremely desperate and embarrassed myself. I should've just kept my mouth shut. But it's too late now. I've really been working on my issues lately and I actually feel pretty good. I've really improved my confidence, which was the root to all of my problems. I just wish I could have done all of this while we were still together. I hear you're doing well, which is bittersweet. I want you to be happy, but at the same time, I still want to be with you. I feel like a relationship between us would be better than ever right now. But I ruined any chance of that, and I'll just have to live with it...

  2. Day 3


    Woke up feeling horrible. Hung out with a friend. Felt Ok for awhile, but shut down in the last couple hours we hung out. Every single thing reminds me of her. Even the most obscure things; I find a way to relate them to her. I literally think of her from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep. I keep thinking about everything I should have done in the relationship. I don't know if I can take this...

  3. Even though you didn't tell me exactly why you broke up with me, I realized that I probably was part of the issue. You know the insecurities/problems I had, you told me I should work on them multiple times, but I didn't. I even promised you I would change and I still didn't... You stuck with me though, which made me feel like I didn't have to change anymore. I was wrong. Looking back, those problems I have seem so small. I would change them in a heartbeat if I could have you back. We both would have been so much happier and our relationship would have been a lot better and more fun if I did. But it's too late now. It sucks that I realize my mistakes when it's already over. All I can say now is, I'm Sorry.

  4. Day 1 (Read situation here if you like - )


    Yesterday was the worst. Hung out with a friend at the mall, but everything reminded me of my ex. Certain stores, the movie theatre, clothing items, etc. I even heard "our" song while walking by one of the stores. I couldn't take it. When I got home, I went to check her facebook, and what do you know? She blocked me. That shouldn't have bothered me much, but it hurt so bad for some reason. I was really depressed all night, and honestly I still am. She was really the only person I had in my life. Though I did realize that was a problem even when we were together. But now that she's gone it's like I have nobody...

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