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Dancing Lady

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Posts posted by Dancing Lady

  1. My grandmother lives in NY last week I got a call saying that she was dying that she had maybe 3 weeks to live. Today my sister who flew up there is sitting in the er with her now. Hours after they left to drive back to Florida my father gets a call saying shes in the hospital. They waited till my family had left to send her to the hospital. My sister got my fathers call on her cell phone. The nursing home staff had that number as the emergancy call number. My grand mother was starved and now has a bed sore that is so infected the odor permiated the entire room and sent my mother running to vomit. Help me help those left in that nursing home. My grandmother may not survive this but there are alot of people in that home. I leave for NY friday morning with my father. Who do I contact to get that home raided and those people checked out to make sure that no one else is in this bad a condition.

  2. I am in turmoil I love my husband deeply. I have since day one, but I have in the five years we have been married had 2 orgasms. I have for the first time faked it. How do I tell him what I need when I fear he will feel unfit and ruin what we have. He is very sensative about so many things.

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