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Posts posted by JesseMac

  1. I havent posted anything in awhile. Ive talked to my ex more and more, she starts conversations with me on aol a lot. Shes come to me with help for homework, and has asked about my family and how they were doin. I dont believe shes over me, because she doesnt give any sign of being over me, and I would know if she was truly over me. But I dont know what to do, sometime I think I should just give up, and other times I think I have a chance. She still gets jealous, about things. But I dont know what to do, its been almost 2 months now. Everything still feels the same. I want to give her a chance before I give someone else a chance, because I want to know for sure about me and her. Im just lost and I dont know what to do, I need some help.

  2. Im so sorry to what your going threw that really sucks, i thought i had it bad. But i havent ever really talked to her let alone seen her, its been a week since ive said a word to her. I would have done the same things you did if i didnt have my brother to help me. Your right about when i get a response from her but its because i dont talk to her much anymore, atleast for right now. We are both very stubborn. The reason she broke up with me is basically because she wanted space, she said other things but they didnt mean anything i know its just because she wants to be free for right now so ill give it to her. Im just affraid she wont give me the chance to see who i really am now. Because i think she would change her mind if she saw. Do you have any other suggestions? Thank you very much.

  3. Ive had some other posts i dont know if you have seen them, so i will let you know how things have been going... My ex is a very stubborn, bullheaded and confused girl. She gives off the impression that she is stronger than she really is. She does this so her friends wont ask about me, but when they do she gives them a short answer, like if its meant to be it will, but mainly just tries to brush them off cause its hard for her to talk about it/me. Recently a friend of hers asked her is she still thought about me and she said "yea i do, he was a big part of my life." Its been over a month and she said that about a week ago. I told her at one point on AOL that "i didnt want it anymore" she tried to ask what but i didnt answer just said i had to go and signed off. I wasnt rude or anything, but my friend who is friends with her ssaid that it made her mad, but she could tell my ex was thinking about things. I told her that because i didnt want her to think she had me. Was that smart? After that i was kind of hard to get i didnt talk to her at all really. But last sunday i asked her if she wanted to hangout on sunday as friends, and she said "that sounds like a lot of fun, but i have a lot of homework and im feeling alittle under the weather, but maybe another day!" I know she was honest about it because her girlfriends that i am friends with told me they were going over there. She has never wanted to be friends with an ex before, but she wants to with me. Do you think its a sign that she is still keeping the door for us open. About two weeks ago i told her i didnt know if i could be friends with her. And i know that it made sad so when i asked her i think it made her happy in a way. Just tell me what you think about everything and what i should do about contacting her. Thanks!

  4. I did plead to her once but that was the night we broke up. Ever since then I was very understanding and made it very easy for her which most people dont do. I was so understanding that she asked me why I was so understanding. I said I understood why she did it and I wasnt mad at her and I dont hate her. I know that she was honest to me on sunday because one of her friends that im friends with (shes a girl) went over to her house with some other girls so i know she was honest. And I told her about 2 weeks ago that I didnt no if i could be friends with her and I know that made her really sad. I really have healed, I have been doing a lot i got out with friends and i work out, and I have healed, I just want a second chance because deep down I know she wants too. But she is very bullheaded. I have never brought up the relationship when I have talked to her. When I avoid talking to her I am very kind, but when I do it she does it also. So its like a game going back and forth. I want her to know that I just want to hangout with friends but I cant call her and I wont but how do I get her to see that?

  5. Its been a month since me and my girlfriend broke up. I talked to her online last sunday and asked her if she would want to hangout just as friends because it been awhile. She said "that sounds like a lot of fun but I have a lot of homework and I am feeling a little under the weather, but maybe another day!" My friend recently asked her if she still thinks about me and she said "yea i do, he was a big par of my life." She has never wanted to be friends with any of her ex's before, but she wants to be friends with me, she has said to me she doesnt want to lead me on but doesnt want to push me away. Do you think that her wanting to be friends is a sign that she wants to get back together and that by her still thinking of me? What should I do about hanging out with her? Do I ask her again or do I wait for her to ask me?

  6. Im not supriesed at all that she hasnt called or anything, I have never expected her too. I was playing games with her cause she was with me. She gives off the impression to everyone that shes stronger than she really is. Im affraid that if i call her, she'll think that im still having a hard time with the break up and she'll gain more confidence. Im fine but i know thats what she'll think so what do i do?

  7. Thanks you for your advice I apreciate it. But, she knows how I feel, Im just giving her, her space and giving her time cause thats what she and everyone else said I should do. I want her to come to me but I dont no if she will, I think shes thinking that I will come to her and I dont want to goto her I want her to come to me. I think shes trying to play games with me. She might not be but I dont no for sure.

  8. Well its been one month since my girlfriend and I broke up. I still want the same things, I want a second chance. I havent had an actual conversation with her in over 2 weeks, she has tried to start them but I dont let her, i say i have to go and leave. I told her that I didnt want it anymore and left one time. Her friend said that it made her mad, but she could tell that my ex was thinking, do you think it was smart of me to say that? I said it because I thought my ex thought that she had me and I didnt want her to think that. Basically its been a month and I still want her, do you think shes the same?

  9. I do understand that I need to move on, and I am I have been, but, do I keep contact with her. Just yesterday she went from saying she doenst have the feelings to thinking she doesnt. Im not making any contact with her, shes the one that comes to me. Mainly I am confused about what she is thinking, do you know what she might be thinking? She said when I was hard to get, thats what got her, so do I do that and see where it takes me? Do I say I will be friends with her?

  10. My, name is Jesse and three weeks ago my girlfriend broke up with me.

    We were together over nine months. We loved each other very much. For a little while I was kind of dependent on her. But the night we broke up I

    realized everything I did wrong. And I have changed, she said she needed to see if she could miss me, and when I ve talked to her she said she still

    loves me more than anything, and she misses me. But recently I have been around another girl, it s nothing serious, but I can tell my ex is jealous. Extremely jealous. She said that she lost the feelings, but she s just confused and I know she is just trying to be strong. She hasn t had a real chance to judge that she doesn t have any feelings anymore because I have only seen her once since we broke up. So she can t say that she doesn t because she hasn t had the chance to see who I really am now. She sounds really confused and she doesn t no why she s doing this anymore. If she doesn t have the feelings anymore, why does she get so jealous, if those feelings aren t there then she doesn t need to be jealous because the feelings aren t there. And her friend s say that she brings me up at random points, like I just got my hair bleached, and my friend said that she just brought it up, out of the blue. She still says if were meant to be we will. But what s going on I know she doesn t like anyone else. I am giving her, her space and time. I really have changed and I know that if she saw me the way I am, better than the way I was before we started going out I know it would be better. She really isn t being fair on judging how she feels, cause she hasn t seen who I really am, I am glad we broke up because I see how I was, and I never wanted to be that way ever and I know not to go back. Do you think when she says if were meant to be we will, and if we ll get a second chance.

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