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Posts posted by lovepugs86

  1. I miss our trips together. I miss being able to talk to you everyday and cuddle together after you got off work. I miss trying different foods with you on our date nights and cooking for you once a week. I miss your intimacy. I miss holding your hand. I miss you telling me you love me. I miss when you used to tell me I was your princess and I miss talking about plans for our future wedding. I miss making lists about moving in together. I miss going to your family functions. I miss you telling me about new things you have learned. I miss watching tv shows with you and eating ice cream together. I miss planning weekend trips for us. I miss when you used to call me to say goodnight on your way home from work.


    Was all of that worth giving up? Are you happier now? Please make a move and come back to me

  2. Why do I still feel this pain... it's not fair. You are probably so happy without me around and not missing me at all... why does my gut still tell me that we should be together? It's so stupid because you've been rejecting me over and over for the last 6 months. Even when we talked last night you just seemed like a stranger and I had to watch what I said the whole time because I didn't want to be vulnerable again. Why can't you show up my door and tell me you still love me? I will always love you... even though you are not the same person I loved once before.

  3. I'm really sad that you didn't end up texting me for my birthday. That was pretty low of you. I hope when your mom mentions that she saw me that you really can't get me off your mind. I feel like you never really loved me at all... or maybe you did but you are just trying to block everything out of your mind. You need to step up and realize that you made a huge mistake and own up to it. You are missing out.

  4. After we talked last week, I started to realize that maybe we aren't meant to be. Or maybe we are, but not right now. You never understood my emotions and I think you were put off by them. This is who I am and I don't plan to change that. I want to be a better person and I admit I have things I need to work on (as does everyone), but never will I change how emotional I can be or how deep I feel things. I think you need to grow and mature some more and figure out within yourself why you have such a hard time talking about your feelings.


    I do still hope you call me someday and I admit, I am hoping you text me on my birthday. The door is still open.. but I feel I may close it sometime soon.. so if you want me back, you better say something before it's too late. I still miss you so much and love you, but I need someone that won't leave when things get tough. Can you be that person? Maybe someday, but maybe not. Only time will tell.

  5. Unfortunately, the dreaded Valentine's Day is in 3 days. I remember this day last year and how happy I was to come home to flowers from you. Then you came over that night after work and we exchanged gifts and love letters. Remember in that letter you told me how you were going to love me forever and that your life was meaningless before we met? Well here we are a year later. Just recently you told me you were happier without me around. How devastating is that. We haven't talked in one month and I bet you are happy that you don't have to spend money this year. Well, I say **** that!! I really hope you feel really sad that day.. I keep praying that you will realize the mistake you made. Of course a part of me hopes on Vday that you will contact me or send me flowers, but I know in reality I will be trying my hardest not to contact you and trying to keep myself as busy as possible. Why did you have to screw up everything?? You would be proud of how I'm doing right now. I've been so busy lately that I realized that if we were still together we would probably be seeing each other only 2 days a week, but I bet that would've helped our relationship in a way. Too bad you didn't give me us that chance. I even told you if we got back together I wouldn't even want anything for Vday; I'd just be grateful to be back together, but I guess you'd rather be alone. I just want to call you and say so many things, but what would that do? If you really think about me, you will call someday. Good luck trying to find someone like me because I guarantee you will just end up disappointed!!!

  6. The last 2 days I've wanted to contact you so bad. I logged onto facebook and noticed you changed your relationship status and I broke down crying. I feel in my soul that we are supposed to be together and it kills me that you might be slowly forgetting our relationship. I can't forget all the good times we had.. and that we should be having now. Do you feel the sting of missing me? Do you think you made a mistake? Please let me know... I miss you more than you will ever know...

  7. I overheard this girl in my class today talking about how her ex left her roses and an Ipad on her front door step last night. There was a letter telling her that he still loved her and I couldn't help but feel this sting of jealously because I wish you would do something similar. It's stupid, but my hope is if you are regretting your decision, that you will do something on Valentine's Day.. but I know that in reality, nothing will happen... This is just so frustrating to me. I'm trying to do things that make me happy and do things that better myself, but I still want you... and I don't feel happy at all. I hope that you would contact me soon... Why did this have to happen and why did you **** everything up!

  8. Memories of us keep rushing in and out of my head like a flash of light. It's like something won't allow me to think about you too long because I will fall apart. I just watched the end of Shawshank Redemption. I remember you tried to get me to watch it for months and I finally did. It made me bawl my eyes out and it was a great movie. I just cried again.. not just because it is a great movie with a meaningful message.. but because it reminded me of you. I'm pretty sure tonight was your dad's birthday party.. and I all I could think about was how I should've been there. I hope you were thinking the same thing too. Do you ever feel the pain of missing our love? I still pray that you will come back to me. I'll always love you....

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