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Posts posted by Rainmaker

  1. Hello, there is my ex girlriend who i see when we are always out and her friends tell me she still really likes me an all. We only broke up because of school an things were in the way. i just need to know what to do, she dances beside me and i dont really know what to do, dont just want to go over and grab her or anyfing, any ideas 2 help me out here ? ? ?


  2. What do MOST people exspect from a relationship ?

    my girlfriend is just only after tellin me that she doesnt wanna go out with me no more she said that we dont really get to see each other and that the relationship aint really goin anywere. What does she mean by this and what does most people exspect ?

  3. Hello,

    I was just lookin to know something, i was on the phone to my girlfriend and she has mentioned about people saying that they love each other, i dont really say it to her. She was saying that her friend was going out with some boy and he told her that he loved him. They had only been going out with each other for a week, and my girlfrend thought that he was stupid, she thinks that he was telling her that he loved her to early and that it was silly because they had only been going out with each other for a week. I have been going out with my girlfriend for a few months now and i was just looking to know is she kinda hinting that i should tell her that i love her ?

  4. Im not really n expert on things like this , but in my own opinion... i would talk 2 her and tell her how u feel about her, She will understand and maybe something could work out with both of you's.. on the other hand, i would still go to collage with her because you are goin to meet loads of other girls there and maybe u will over come the feelings u have 4 her and move on to some1 else..

    I hope i have helped u.

  5. i have been goin out 4 this girl 4 about 2 weeks now & we dont really see each other much...We see each other every Friday nite at a disco & spend the whole nite with each other and have good fun. we are both 16 years of age. I would like to see her more & i know that she would like 2 see me more but we dont know were to go are wat 2 do..i was on the fone to her and she diddnt want to go out to a disco & i asked her if she would like to go anywere else and she diddnt know were to go.. Could some1 please help us on deciding were 2 go are wat to do, somethin to do 4 our age group, i feel that goin 2 restaurants and all for somethin to eat is more for older people.. Any sugestions? THANKS

    I know that she loves me so it aint that she doesnt want 2 be wif me, i think that wee are just both 2 shy.

  6. I can see your point mate, but what if the second guy dont see her kiss the first guy! does that make him as bad as her? even know he diddnt know..Girls must get something out of alchol becasue when they are drunk they r very good at flirting, even if the second guy does see her kissin some1 else, it is still hard to turn a girl down when she comes up to you..

  7. Y when girls get some drink in them they act lik real sluts! when im out at a disco i watch girls walk from 1 person to another. They cant just stay with the same person. I know that its not all girls so girls chill, i might not be talkin about u rite enought but i have seen girls walk from boys to boys even know the 2 boys might me best friends they do it anyway..

    There is nothin as bad as when a nice girl comes up and gives you a kiss then walks on a gives your friend a kiss beside you it really cracks me up...Any 1 anything to say about this, agree are disagree!

  8. Every week-end i always seem to date this girl, dont get me wrong i do like this girl but i would like to go out steady wif her..Truth is i aint got the balls to ask her, any chance of helpin me out, give me some ideas in how i could make her feel the same way about me...Thanks

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