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Posts posted by JJ2980

  1. To stay in line with the thread I have a success story to report. My own. My ex and I broke up in October 2012 and we've just got back together. What happened? After a year of NC I decided to reach out and ask how the ex was. We became friends again. And I was there to support her through some recent stresses and it made her realise that of all the people in her life I was the one who was always going to be there and so she asked if we could try again. We still have work to do but it'll be that way for the rest of our lives.

  2. I still miss you from time to time but I'm moving on....


    You were the one for me. I just wasn't you're one.


    All the issues you had were things I couldn't fix. I knew this. I wanted to but my logical self told me that it would be a battle I couldn't win. I have told you that you have to learn to be happy within yourself. You always nodded your head and agreed but you never really got it. You don't know how to be happy with yourself. You think you're strong and you are in some ways but, emotionally, you're damaged. But I will always be rooting for your happiness. I will always hope that you take the steps to fix what's broken within you.


    I'll be doing it from afar though. I have a place for you in my heart. Always.

  3. I can think of one although it doesn't have a happy ending


    My little sis got with her husband just before she turned 16. My bro-in-law is a year older. Anyway they had a very emotionally-charged relationship - when they were in love they loved deeply but when they were arguing it was destructive. Fast forward 3 years and she gets pregnant with her first son and my bro-in-law leaves her when she is 3 months pregnant as she told him to cut out the partying/boozing and he wasn't prepared to make that sacrifice. We didn't see him again till their son was 5 months old. As soon as he enters the scene again he begs and pleads and manages to convince my sis to take him back. They then get married about 6 months after that. Fast forward a year later and they break up again when 2nd son is 3 months old. And yes it was due to the same problems as before - my bro-n-law refused to change his party lifestyle. This time it was a major break up and he disappears for 3 years. He then comes back again and after a one night stand son no. 3 is conceived but my bro-in-law doesn't bother sticking around and so for the 3rd time my sis is pregnant and alone (remember this is her husband). Anyway time goes by and another 2 years later my idiotic bro-in-law comes back again and my sister starts secretly seeing him again behind our backs (no one in my family likes him because he has only brought trouble and heartbreak and also because he's a useless father who puts his needs before his children). Once again they are only together for a short period - I think it lasted a total 4 months and now he's gone again. The only good thing to come out of all of this is that my sister has finally had enough and has started divorce proceedings. The many failed attempts at reconciliation were good in that my sister now knows she tried every which way to keep her family together but it just wasn't meant to be. My bro-in-law thinks only of himself and his needs and unfortunately if you want to have a successful relationship you can't be putting yourself first and foremost all the time.

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