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Posts posted by Brittanyxox90

  1. Dear ex, you unfollowed me on twitter as I've noticed...how does it feel to know I "unfollowed" you first. BAHAHAHAHA. -.- I still hate er--love gah--dislike you. It has been 41 days since you've left, I am 20 pounds lighter, and starting to date again. also, i do not care about your new relationship--all "that" much. I think this may be what moving on feels like. that's all for today!

  2. Day 18


    It's easier, but mostly hard on certain days like today. Today was not a good day. Christmas songs/decorations/anticipation of new year's eve by myself just sucks. I cried today, for the first time in 3 days. I tried working out, listening to music, but felt myself checking my phone constantly searching for a text, a message on twitter, anything... from him. Nothing. He's moved on. Perfectly happy. And I am here, with all my love, saddened. I hope tomorrow is a better day.


    Sidenote- I am no longer compelled to text, chat, or call him anymore, now I just need to lose the want for him to contact me. *sigh* It's still a work in progress, will check back later.

  3. This is day number 9 of NC, and last night I cracked and stalked his FB. I found out 3 weeks after dumping me he is now dating someone else. I felt (and feel) horrible! How can he move on so quickly? We dated for 2 and a half years, and he can just walk away and be so cold and cavalier? Like I meant nothing? I spent a couple hours today just crying. I will not be checking up on him on FB. I will not be responding to his texts (if he chooses to text me again.) I will not respond to, or reciprocate contact with him. His b-day is Tuesday, I will not wish him a happy b-day, his new girl can do that. I will never speak to him again. I mean more to me than that.

  4. Response to the text I got a few days back: "How is your week going?"


    How is my week going? You broke up with me the day before Thanksgiving citing you are not attracted to me, cancelled our weekend plans, shipped me my things back via ups, and cancelled our vegas trip for x-mas. A trip I packed for in AUGUST before we even booked it. "You just weren't ready for commitment" so after 2.5 years of dating you're LEAVING me for an older single mom of 2??? f&ck you buddy that b**ch can have my sloppy seconds, and judging from her pic it looks like she got around more than the good humor man. It's wonderful to know how you can just drop 2.5 years and all the memories we shared, I SETTLED for you. You're a horrible kisser, you suck in bed, but I overlooked it because I love you, and here you are telling ME you're not attracted to ME??? You're a horrible person. I hope you enjoy your little rebound relationship, and I hope you realize what a big f***n mistake you made and by then I will have moved on!!! To quote Blanche Deveraux: "I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. Drop dead."

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