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Posts posted by Santa

  1. cheers for your replies.

    I took some beta-blockers today and it worked really well (heart beat slowed down for the first itme in a week), so hopefully when I come off i'll be fine.

    Beta blockers work by stopping your body releaisng adrenaline. Anxiety is when you release too much adrenaline (fight or flight mechanism), and this speeds up your heart and all the other stuff, so makes people worry they are ill etc.

    It's a vicious cycle, but the theory behind the beta blockers is if you stop the attacks happening, you will learn to forget about having attacks, and thus hopefully be cured.

    Thanks for your posts guys!

  2. Sorry I didn't make it clear... im not quitting pot, I had a bad expeirence on pot. I have quit pot but wasn't addicted before/didn't take it much.

    The anxiety caused because of the fear of the bad expeirence I had (feeling like i was going to die, intense panic and paranoia).

    The question is, can anxiety be cured?

    And are Beta-Blockers safe?

  3. Hey,

    Recently I had a bad expierence after smoking weed (posted a thread on it). I'm getting better day by day, but it seems I have Anxiety.

    I get the anxiety by worrying about the anxiety mostly. I am able to go fairly long period without having an anxiety attack now, and when I do they arn't that bad - I can just kind of ignore them.

    I've seen a few docters etc, and they want me to take Beta-Blockers to help break the cycle, although I feel like I am gradually getting better anyway. The Dr said taking the beta-blockers will speed up the recovery (by eliminating the physical side, thus taking the fear away), but if i don't take them I will still recover, just slower.

    I asked about the side-effects of the drugs, and he told me I wont get any, bar maybe cold fingers/toes. However, I read on the box/internet that they can cause other side-effects. Are these things safe or not?

    Also reading on here/the internet it seems like people don't recover from anxiety

    So basically, can you recover from anxiety? And will these beta blockers do anything to me?



  4. No I wasn't drinking any beer etc, just had a few tokes on a spliff, and then did the 2 bongs.

    At the time I had intense anxiety/paranoia/shakes etc, but now I feel kind of normal, but I keep having panic attacks, like my heart will suddenly beat fast, and i'll be like "omg whats going on?".

    Also when I eat food I feel sick and dizzy.

    I smoked the weed on Monday evening, it is now wednesday lunchtime.

    Has this ever happened to anyone else?

  5. Yeah I will stop now hopefully.

    Before its always been good, but now, scared the hell out of me. Aparantly its quite common and is known as 'Whiteying'. It aparantly happens when you get too stoned too fast.

    As I type this im feeling kind of better, like a lot more stable, but it just feels so weird after feeling dizzy to feeling not. I'm probably going to have to aclimatize back to normal :S

    But yeah, generally though, you guys think the best thing to do is to ride it out? Like sleep on it?

  6. Yesterday evening I smoked 2 bongs of weed. Suddenly I felt very illl and felt like I was dieing (heart beat racing, dizzyness, felt like I was dreaming etc).

    It seems I probably had something like an attack of Acute Anxiety Disorder, which I read can happen from smoking weed.

    I woke up today though and I felt kind of spaced, like I wasn't fully 'with-it', although I could function normally etc, just felt a little weird in my head.

    I told my friends and they said it's probably because I havn't eaten or drunk enough. I just tried to eat now, and drank plenty of water. i felt very sick though, and more dizzy than before.

    I'm guessing I may be feeling this way because of a combination of weed+not enough sleep+not enough food and drink.

    Either way its been 20 hours andi still feel very bad. What shall I do?

  7. If a girl is attracted to a guy, do they sometimes get hot? Like properly body temp hot. What about if her and the guy are real close proximity?


    What about the term "they are so hot!" where does that come from?



  8. Normal signs of attraction seem to not always be appropriate in the workplace, so my question is, what kind of signs should I be looking for from a co-worker to display attraction?


    If it helps, I work mainly with women in a trendy bar.

  9. As a guy, I can't answer exactly, but from my expeirence, if they are close and look at your face and tilt head sideways, they want to kiss.

    My advice is just make obvious gestures and see how they react. If they let you grab their behind and they grab yours, go in for the kiss.

    TBH, if you smirk/smile you can get away with anything. For example once after i first kissed this girl, i said with a smile and a bit of cheekyness "so then, back to mine tonight?" and she just smiled. Needless to say it worked, but if it didn't it would of seemed like i was just joking/teasing anyway. Good luck.

  10. I'm not sure if this is true, but from what i've seen /expierenced it is.

    The more you drink of one type of drink, the more immune you get to it. For example, if you have a little bit of say San Miguel every day for lunch or whatever, if you go out drinking, your body will be a bit immune to it, and thus you will not get as drunk. There have been times where me or mates drink a lot of one type of drink and after a while we can't get drunk any more so either stop drinking for a few days or change drink type, and sure enough we are able to get drunk quicker again.

    As I said though, im not sure if this is just a state of mind thing or what, but I believe sticking to one type of drink that you normally have, and in small doses at a time should make you get drunk slower.

    Have fun!

  11. Thanks for your input everyone, and sorry for generalizing and stereotyping (was just easier).

    The Library seems a popular idea, but wouldn't it seem a bit weird to hit on someone, especially when Libraries are so quiet etc? Say I see a potential girl, and exchange eye contact and a smile, what would I do next instead of going over and using some cheesy line etc?


    Also, I am part of a political movement, so hopefully when we get some events going I can meet some people that way.

    I will also try and do a bit of networking with my female friends, although this might come off as being desperate.




    P.S. Tylercdurden2004, I welcome your input, but it is a little debatable and missing the point.

  12. Hey, I would like your opinions please.


    Basically, i've made a fair bit of eye contact with this lady, and i've been flirty with her and vica versa. When we talk she stares at me for a long time. Now this would be a sign of interest I guess, but it seems like an uncomfortable amount of time. Every time I have had to give up the eye contact because I couldn't handle anymore, so maybe shes one of those people that think it's polite to look at people in the eyes when talking, as she didn't seem too uncomfortable with it.


    Now heres the thing, when she last saw me (walking past each other), she was a little shocked and said something like "OH! Its you! HI!" with a big smile and wave. This is a lot more attention than the usual "Alright" that friends etc often say to me, so its a good sign she certainly pays attention to me. However, is she doing this because i'm a new member of her friendzone or because she likes me?

    Usually girls seem a little shy when interested I guess, but she doesn't seem shy at all and seems to feel comfortable around me - is this because she seems be as a possible new friend?

  13. Im not sure, but probably 14.


    Everyone's entitled to their own beliefs and opinions. I personally believe that these people that bash drinking/getting drunk are just scared.

    In my culture drinking is more or less celebrated, and everyone I know drinks. I have yet to find anyone who didn't like it after giving it a chance.

    When you drink it enables your mind to stop being so uptight and to loosen up. truly, I feel more alive with drink inside me, as I don't have embaressment etc holding me back, and I can be me.

    And as for the health issues, well we all die sometime, so why not live a little first?

  14. 5'10 for me is near perfect height. I'm 5'11.

    When i'm with smaller girls I have to bend down sometimes, and well it's not much of a problem, but it would be easy to talk to someone of a level height. Also, in terms of genetics, my future sons/daughters most likely won't be small. Not saying being small is bad, just taller guys get less problems usually (ie easier to find shorter girls when older).


    As for how they look, again this is differen't for everyone. The other day I spent an entire day with some girl friends, and we discussed this as I searched for a next potential candidate, and I concluded to my surprise that I liked girls more who didn't wear make up or short skirts, but the more 'smarter'/'classier', natural looking girl. However, thats not 100% always the case.

  15. Why does this same topic get discussed every week? Just look at the older topics, saves everyone posting multiple times about exactly the same thing.


    Bottom line is, girls do approach, and those girls that say its not their role to the approaching are just sexiest and making up lies. For thousands of years girls have been just as forward as boys, you only need to read old pieces of art (such as shakespeare) to know this.


    If no girl has approached you its because you havn't made the effort to get approached.


    All this cultural stuff, BS to that, American culture comes from European/African/Asian culture.

  16. I think you need to see a psychologist mate, I agree that your attitude probably is because of some unresolved issues.

    He's asked you out, and you like him, but you'd rather be rude to him then go out with him, and you don't know why you want to be rude? Something funny going on there...

    Good luck!

  17. The reason in my opinion is that so people can one day come together, learn from another and create a new society. That being these great United States and slowing but surely Europe.


    I mean you don't get any more homogenous than the good ole' US of A! [/color][/b]


    Sorry, but from how I interpreted what you said, you suggested that europe was backwards compared to america, but in reality it's the other way around, and i'm offended by this insult. I seem to remember only a few generations ago there were different schools and public facilities for black people and white people in america.


    I'd also like to point out that in europe people of different background have been 'mixing' for a long time. I don't know to much about the subject, but i'm sure with all the european empires there was a lot of mixing. Most of the world has had european colonies at some time or another.

  18. I've read people on this site saying that women do approaching, but what tends to happen here is that a woman might smile at you or wink or something, then you're supposed to go over and start the conversation


    Sorry Corvidae for the confusion, what I meant by initiating includes winking at the guy, smiling at the guy, or 'something'.


    Also, it might be because i'm a few years younger than you. The age gap doesn't seem that great, a little over 5 years, but I don't know, maybe you've just never been in the right place at the right time. Maybe the younger generations are more forward, I don't know. Or maybe it's just the area I live... I dont know. I can assure you though, i've seen a fair few of my friends chatted up by girls, and i've seen it first hand a fair few times. In my area, for my age group or younger my statement is true, but I can easily see why it might not be true for others.


    Perhaps girls see you as unapproachable corvidae?

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