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Posts posted by IrishYankee24

  1. P.S.


    I think it would be 'endearing' if he wanted to attack some guy who touched you or make a rude comment to you.... not for just looking at you! That is insecurity I bet and too overreacting.


    Another thing-- if this guy will not even see or admit his problems or what he did to you... he is REALLY not worth your time girl!


    Move on & if he wants to get some sense, he will get some help & come crawling back... if not- sounds like you wont have a problem finding someone new if other guys are checking you out?!?!

  2. Hi again Lady Bird...


    Please stop blaming yourself for HIS abuse. You are responsible for what you have done to him but not what he has done to you. If you provoke a healthy person, they walk away! Hitting is not an answer and I think you are blaming yourself for his issues. You can change you-- which it sounds like you are & that is good... but you can't change him. He really sounds like a jerk! I really think you must be better than to put up with a man like him and stay in an abusive relationship!!! Leave him to the next chick who will take his abuse! I am serious!


    Move on and work on yourself so you never get involved in another relationship like this....



  3. First of all - a true "Best Friend" would never sleep with your wife. (I am sure you know this now!) I would be VERY hesitant to go back with this woman if she is still not being honest with you. If you don't have trust, you dont have a healthy relationship!! I am a lot younger but I have experienced the "withdrawl effect" after a relationship ends. You miss having that person around for company so you forget about all the bad stuff and what she has done and just want her back! She was sleeping with you best friend!!!!! I would suggest staying apart and seek some couples therapy. Something was missing in your relationship if she went elsewhere. Gotta work on that before you jump back in.

  4. I hate to be blunt but I think you may have ruined any future chance with this guy... He does not sound like a nice man if he is abusive! Maybe this is a sign?!

    I liked the idea of sending an I'm sorry card to keep peace & then leave him alone. I think you both have "anger" issues that need to be dealt with. That explosive behavior can really get you in trouble.. (I know from experience!)

    Why do you want to be with an abusive person?

    Do you know the saying that healthy women attract healthy men... vice-versa...

    I hope things work out for you

  5. If you let fear of rejection hold you back... you will always have a hard time getting a date, work, etc. We all get rejected & I think we all have the same insecurity about fear of rejection but if you have the confidence to overcome that- you will be fine. I think confidence comes with time or by working on your self-esteem. When self-esteem is low-- the fear of rejection problem will be stronger!

    Good Luck to you!

  6. I think you should ask her out for Valentines Day & see how she reacts... If she says yes- bring her flowers or something to let her know you like her "more than friends" and see how it goes...

    If she says no, she will tell you why. She may also ask your intentions when you ask her out but she may be feeling the same as you... just hesitant to say anything to you or she could be unsure at this point.

  7. Thanks for the advice! This has been really bothering me...


    As far as I know from other co-workers who know him personally- he does not have much experience with women. He is 24 and has only had 3-4 short lived relationships. I guess the last one was a doozy & he got his heart broken... but... that was over 2 years ago!!! He does not have any women friends and he only has a Father and brothers... no Mom or sisters to soften him up-- (I guess the signs you both mentioned are fully present!)


    I thought I was the queen of getting hurt & dumped but apparently I have not because I would never let it consume me for two years! If that is his reason for holding back with me...


  8. I came on too strong with this guy who is really shy that I met at work. I thought since he was so shy & seemed interested in me... I should call him and see what happened. We spoke on the phone a few times over two weeks and then I called and left him a voice mail (he did not answer) on a Sunday asking him if he wanted to go to the movies. He never called me back! We only saw each other once since this happened... and he acted weird but cordial... no smiling, seemed uncomfortable, etc. He has not called me since I left the message.

    Did I turn him off by coming on too strong or is he just not interested in me? At this point, I feel embarrased. I want to say to him that I just wanted to be "friends" and I am sorry if I offended him. Is that a bad idea.... only continuing the "coming on strong" behavior?! What do you think, I will take any advice... I need it!


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