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Posts posted by evam

  1. A friend of mine broke up with his girlfriend when he was drunk, but also because he's been with the girl since he was 14-15 years old and felt like exploring. Well the next day he felt terrible and made a mistake and she took him back. They've been together for 10 years now.


    My ex's parents left each other for a couple of weeks when they were in university, I think his dad didn't want to settle down. They've been together for 25 years now.


    My ex's cousin left his girlfriend because they kept arguing and she was bipolar. Last that I've heard they came back together and even went traveling together over the summer. I think they left each other for a month or so.

  2. I came to this forum because of my ex contacting me after 10 months NC.

    All throughout those months, I still loved him, never stopped loving him.

    Though he claimed he just wanted to be friends again at first and been like that for a couple weeks... We did get back together. And we've been better than ever.


    I'm curious to know the reason you two broke up in the first place and how long did the relationship last, if you don't mind me asking

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