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Posts posted by freadrik

  1. Your heart isn't a barren field. It is a fresh field that just needs some new topsoil. That's what you are doing no in no contact. Tending to your garden for a change, and not worrying about his. His field is his problem now. Make sure yours is ready for the next harvest by taking time to tend to it!

  2. I almost sent you a text on the way home trying to point out all the great things we had together and how you are crazy to throw that away! I AM GLAD I DIDN'T! Because as I write this I realize that if you can't see all of that and only want to focus on the bad then I am wasting my time. Someday you will see that if you'd given me a chance you could have had the most amazing, fullfilling relationship. You will find that out after you have dated a while, and by then I will be whole again and I WON'T WANT YOU! So enjoy your new found freedom and start each day with glee. I am done worrying about you.

  3. I just saw you inadvertantly on fb. It made me feel like crap seeing you posting funny little comments on out friends page! How dare you get over me and THEN dump me. You should be ashamed of doing that to someone you said you loved just the day before. I even asked you if you were happy and you said yes! I hope you meet someone who does the same to you so you get a dose of your own medicine!

    At this moment I regret ever having met you because all our memories feel like one lone LIE!


    that felt pretty good. LOL

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