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Posts posted by SkyNet

  1. When me and my ex broke up I was in pieces, but everyone told me not to contact her, move on. I heard this from a friend-psychotherapist too, but did I listen? God no, I tried to but my emotions were just so high I just couldn't listen to my brain, my heart was just so loud. And I slowly made things worse, action by action. Now it's over as it can be, she's with another. If he hadn't been in the picture even I might react otherwise and NC would be easier to cope with. But I was afraid that every day she would get closer to him or he to her. I was afraid I will lose her forever and thought to myself I got nothing to lose. But I did and I feel like a fool now. Maybe it would help if there wasn't for him, but I'll never know. But as I see her now and after all the bad things she's done to me in this BU time...that's not the person I feel in love with and it's certainly not the person I'd like to spent any time with yet alone my whole life!

  2. Day 8. Ouch ouch ouch. Feel as if I've slid back 10 weeks in the last few hours. How bizarre. I could almost cry I long for him so much. Is this what I'm to expect from NC? I feel WORSE today.


    Never not spoken for 8days since the night we met. Feels horrible.


    Wonder if he misses our daily banter? Wonder if he's fed up with Miss FAR? Wonder if he wishes I were on a beach with him?


    Somebody slap me 😭


    One thing I've found out is that's it's getting better (with ups and downs). At least with me, In the last week I feel much much better. I don't think of her that much, I don't have that stong urge too look at her pictures, notes, etc...and if I do it feels like a part of emotion disappeared! Two weeks ago I was looking at her christmas gift (some booklet with her note on page 1) and I fell into tears. Last week I looked at it again, expecting to cry my soul out as the first time...but I just couldn't. I tried to force myself to cry, but I just couldn't. Now I don't even look at it anymore, I had for the last time yesterday and I hardly felt that emotions. So I can clearly say it's getting better, but the fact remains...I still love her deeply and I do want her back. I'm not getting my hopes up though, because if she wants to move on and so soon (!) I'm probably better off without her and she'll be with another just to feel better. But inside she'll miss me, I can say that for sure I'm a great guy, I never hurt her, sure I had my problems but nothing extraordinary that I wouldn't share with 99% of the population

  3. Day 4 of partial NC. Why partial? Because I ran into her 3 days ago while cycling (we live 5km's away from each other), she said hi (very very nicely) and I just nodded back to her and drove by. I deleted her from favorites on my mobile, thinking of blocking her completely on IM programs. It's hard, but easier with every day!

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