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Posts posted by Bandit_misser

  1. ok hey my name is amy and this is kinda a long storie but i will try my best to make it short............... a couple of days ago i had a bunch of my friends at my house.............my one friends (melissa) brought her friend that is a boy but is getting kinda serious (brad).....................we all had a great time..........brad was hanging all over melissa and he never does that..........my one friend stacy and brad went outside a lot for a smoke break............ cause my mom won't let them smoke in my house............ i know how stacy can be so i went outside one time to check on them......all they were doin was talkin so i thought nothin of it..........a couple of hours later they all left and went to melissas house to watch a movie............and stacy and brad went outside a lot again for smoke breaks.................well about 10pm we all left..........the next day i get a phone call from stacy saying that don't call her house if i need to get a hold of her call her cell phone.........because she told her parents that she was goin to go to melissas house but she was really goin to buffalo...........so i thought nothing of it............. the next day at school stacy tells melissa that she needs to talk to her (sher comes into the room laughing) ........ i was like omg what is goin on my one friend jenny know what was goin on but i had no clue.........melissa came into the room crying saying omg she can't take it no more........so me and her talk and she tells me that stacy and brad went out last night and are now goin out........... so i go to the room that stacy is in and i talkin to her and she was like he is a old friend of mine (crying)............... so i don't talk to her anymore cause i feel bad for melissa and i think it is wrong for what stacy did.............melissa had a bunch of things goin though her head so in the middle of class melissa shouts oput i am goin to hit him with my car and she says i am goin to hit u to pointing to stacy..............stacying got all pissed off and thow a big hissy fit........later on the phone i called up jenny and was talkin to her and i find out the during the day stacy called jenny and told her as happy as can be that Guess whos house i am at??? jenny is like brads and then in like a said voice she is like what should i do................ jenny was like well i don't know u got yourself into this mess yopu can get yourself out...........(and here is stacy with the car y can't she just leave)........... i also found out that brad put his phone number in stacys cell phone when they were outside having a smoke.............but what is weird about that stacy said that brad called her............(stacy is known 4 lieing)...........the next day stacy and brad are getting there phone calls in brad called melissa about 20 times melissa picked it up a couple of times and hung up on him and sometimes she just let the machine get it.............then right after brad called stacy called.............. after stacy called melissa stay called my friend jenny......stacy didn't get a hold of jenny cause her mom was on the phone..... about a min later stacy calls my cell phone and i answer it and she says "are you really mad at me" i am like you screwd my friend over she is like well now nothin is goin on betwen her and brad i am just lkike i am not goin to let u screw me over i know u r known for lieing f off and i hung up on her and my mom was right in front of me so she heard every word i said............a couple hours later melissa needed to get oput some revenge.........her and her one guy friend went to go pick up brad she is like brad you know we got to talk....... in the car melissa asked him like 100 questions in like a min...... they were driving to the rez............on the way home melissa went on this one street that there are no houses on she pulled over cause she said she thought shhe heard a weird noise coming from her car........ so melissa and chris go outside to look at the car........melissa was like brad you know a lot about cars don't you.......brad came out if the car to have a look melissa went back to the drivers seat so she can press on the gass pedel........ brad goes melissa press on the gass so melissa does he says it again melissa acted like she didn't hear him so chris went to the car to tell her chris jumped to the car and they took off and left him in the middle of no where............at school the next day i find out that stacy wants to press charges on me cause she said that i threated her life when i was talkin to her on the phone...........which is not true what so ever...........there is a girl in my glass that only friend that stacy has left after this that is known to add a lot more things then we say so everytime we are talkin about it sam is alway in the back listening so i think that she is telling stacy what we r telling eachother and more that we never said...........what do we do.......and how do i get my stuff back without getting in any trouble cause i don't want her to say that i like threastened her or her parents life when i was talkin to them on the phone............ she has my 2 dvds and my good pair of pants




    sry it was so long

  2. a couple of weeks ago i wrote post about my friend and her baby and i got a few post back and thank you for those.







    Joined: 21 Jan 2004

    Posts: 2



    hey my name is amy and i have a friend that i go to school with that her father beats her up a lot and she has a 8 month old baby............2day she came into school with a huge bruse on her head and she told me that he father got mad cause she was talkin on the phone to a boy and punched her..................he is also starting to handle Caleb (the baby) really crappy to like he other day caleb was tryin to pull himself up on the table like tryig to stand and he took calebs arm and pulled it down o he would just sit on the floorand caleb started to cry and sammy (my friend) went togo pick him up and he told he not to touch him (and it is sammys baby)..............does anyone know if this is abuse.......is there anyone i can call for her i talked to her about goin to a home with kids with kids and abusive parents and she said she don't want Caleb in someting like that..... and does he hae the right to do tha to her baby?





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    Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 3:21 pm Post subject:










    Age: 20


    Joined: 25 Oct 2003

    Posts: 44

    Location: Hell, Portugal


    I am not sure if under legal terms that is abuse, but think it is. In my country there are associations that fight to put an end to this kind of stuff, but where you live there might not be any. In that's case, go to the local police, they will know what to do. They can give you some information on what to do, or even investigate about the case. If you do this, make sure, you don't warn the father until you're sure he can't hurt this girl again, for example, arresting him for child abuse during 6 months would only make things worse.


    Meanwhile, aren't there any places where she can run to? Her mother's house? Grandparents? Even friends? That situation is not ok for either the girl and the baby. This father might need some help too, but I can't tell how...


    "Sleep all day. Party all night. Never grow old..."


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    Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 3:30 pm Post subject:










    Age: 36


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    Yes, this would be considered abuse. If he hit her, thats not acceptable. Also it sounds like the baby is in trouble also. He is handling the baby too roughly.


    She (or you) can call a battered womens shelter for some ideas. Or if she's underage she might be able to contact social services for assistance. They may be able to help her under this situation.


    This isn't something I would let just go. I doubt her father will change his tune if nothing is done.


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    Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 3:34 pm Post subject:





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    Age: 20


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    Yes that is abuse. To punch you own child is just cowardly. There are ways to punish your children to teach them to be good, but to ball your fist up and hit them. Especially for a grown man to hit a 17 year old girl. That is pathetic. As you can tell I don't like abusers, and the worst part is the person being abused nearly has to be dead before the law does anything about it. That is how it is here where I live anyway. I would contact your local police and talk to them about it and the laws of child abuse. You might also talk to a teacher, principal or counselor at your school about it. But be careful because like avman said you could make it worse for her unless he is completely out of her life to where he can't hurt her and her baby anymore. I hope I helped and keep us updated.




    well i talked to her about calling the cops and she did the next time it happened and the cops didn't believe her at all....... i talked to my teacher at school about it 2 and she gave me a phone number for a home so she called it and she really wanted to go to get out of the house......... her father found the number and is now threating her to take caleb away from her if she goes anywhere.........and i was like sammy the only way that they can take caleb from u if they have proof that you are a unfit parent.......and she is not at all she is a really good mom for being a teenage mother...........her father told her that he has proof that she is a unfit parent.........and she don't want to take any chances.....her father is someone that can just make up something a get away with it..... please help me help her





  3. u may think that this is something that goes on a lot between sisters but i bet u don't think it would get this bad............. me and my sister can't stand eachother........... we get in fights everyday....... fist fights............she always calls me names and makes fun of me in front of her friends...... and i hate it cause she trys to make her self look better by lieing........last fight we got into i got a bloody nose and she got a really bad scrach on her face............... i can't stand it...........i am 17 years old and she is 22..................... she has put my parents though hell and she still lives with us..........i can't wait to move out because of her......... does anyone know what i can do maybe so we have a better relationship or something i can do.................my parents tell us they r goin to call the cops on us next time we touch eachother about a year ago she slamed me head on are corner of our couch and i was in the hopital for 2 days with a concution........i told them i fell........HELP!!!!!

  4. hey my name is amy and i have a friend that i go to school with that her father beats her up a lot and she has a 8 month old baby............2day she came into school with a huge bruse on her head and she told me that he father got mad cause she was talkin on the phone to a boy and punched her..................he is also starting to handle Caleb (the baby) really crappy to like he other day caleb was tryin to pull himself up on the table like tryig to stand and he took calebs arm and pulled it down o he would just sit on the floorand caleb started to cry and sammy (my friend) went togo pick him up and he told he not to touch him (and it is sammys baby)..............does anyone know if this is abuse.......is there anyone i can call for her i talked to her about goin to a home with kids with kids and abusive parents and she said she don't want Caleb in someting like that..... and does he hae the right to do tha to her baby?



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