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Posts posted by Shadowbite

  1. If that's directed to me, it just kinda did. We met up before now season, had a couple drinks when her and her husband separated. After her divorce was final me she moved to fl, we started talking on a regular basis. The last week of duck season she asked if we could get together for the weekend sometime, when I got to the boat at the start of this hitch I shot her a couple dates and we decided on this weekend.



    You sound excited, Hope it goes well.

  2. her friend I accidentally messaged removed me herself, Probably should have done it myself but but it seemed rude. Also, apparently my ex herself deleted my friends, but not me during the same day... Guess they talked.


    I'm still blocked ironically, but not deleted....


    Why wouldn't she remove me also?


    All this makes me feel like im not in nc, anymore. More like silent contact. *sigh*

  3. Yeah, realized I was just beating myself up. I'm all good now.. Told the person it was accidental, it may not even reach to my ex anyways . Just freaking out over nothing. =P


    Despite that, I've actually been doing pretty well. I'm like three weeks in. I'm happy for the most part.

    Been working out too. Thinking of doing a before and after picture for myself.


    On another note, I think I came up to a realization that my ex might have reflected her own self image upon me. I came accross some various details that I did not notice before over the months.. While trying to clean out my computer. It suggests that she's actually the person who always checks up on me, not the other way around.


    Ironic no? It's interesting how over time you pick up things you don't notice, or subconsciously ignore while being in the relationship itself.

  4. Am I back to day 1? on skype i sent someone elses contact info to one of her friends I don't even talk too. Just noticed it too, apparently I did it 6-7 hours ago . .

    Wish there was a face palm emoticon, i need it so bad right now. Feel like this will make her thinking i'm "stalking" or desperate or something... ugh.. whyyyyyyyyyyy

  5. Doing very well, I'm getting a lot done in my goals without her. It feels like its been a month or two, it's amazing how time slows down so much when your in such a situation.


    I think today is the 12th day? I'm not really sure anymore. Can't help but wonder if she's truly heartless, or if she still thinks of me.


    Been having some down days however.... But it's not really pushing me too down, just a little upset- ness here and there. Know I'm better off, but I guess I am still bugged regardless.

  6. Nice, Wish Me leaving could have been in some what good terms. But It ended in bad, due to the deceiving and painting me black. Thanks for your story, was nice hearing it.

    I find it that I'm moving on, It's been the 9th day. Only problem I feel Like I have is that I've done the most for this specific person for years upon years. Yet, painting me so negatively with lies. Guess it's holding me back. Like I'm sort of expecting an apology. Or a realization. I shouldn't expect such though, and by the time I would get one, I think it'll probably be at a point where I won't care anymore.

  7. Today will be the longest day we haven't talked to each other within 4 years. Today is the beginning of the 7th day. It's bitter sweet. In one way, I'm happy. I find myself happier without her than with her, sad as that is to say.. I didn't expect my No contact journey to be easy this time.


    I've been eating well, Exercising. Getting my business together. I'm almost to the point where I'll be further along my goals I've had without her in 7 days, than with her in years.


    She's bad for me. But, I still miss her. Still consider her my little girl.

  8. I read some of these reconciliation story. I noticed that they are mainly people who fell in love during their teenage years or early 20's. Not only that, but seems its always something happens after months of no contact so both can grow. It's very very interesting. Another note I noticed is that it always happens with relationships of 2 years + that had pure real love, despite the issues.

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