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Posts posted by TigerVeryBlue

  1. DAY 1 Of No Contact And Day 1 of The Rest Of My Life


    Well after 4 1/2 years of on and off including a short marriage of 15 months I know now that I have to let go.

    It hurts me to know that every time we get back together. Nothing ever changes with her. I lover her to bits but a relationship is a 2 way thing. Its about giving and receiving things like, love, respect, honesty. and understanding.

    I know its me that's always the one that gets back in touch. but it has to end today

    last night was the final straw, I felt totally used

    The anger I am feeling is astronomical, not just about the way she treats me but also how her family and friends don't like me all based on the attention seeking untruths told

    I do hope that there is a future but I have no hope she will change. This time its up to her but only if she can change . I hold out no hope of her calling texting or anything so if she can not be bothered to make the effort. THEN WHY SHOULD I


    Message to self.

    leave the booze alone so no drunken text

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