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Posts posted by moneeman

  1. I am a very shy guy. My g/f made the first move and asked me out. I f she did not do that I probably would not have ever gone out with her. We have been in a relationship now for 13 months and live together. Being aggresive can be a good thing but if you are not careful you can be hurt. There are alot of guys out there that would take advantage of assertive girls. Just be very careful. Use your best judgement and better yet ask your friends what they think, and listen to them. What happened to me was good but that was probably more luck than anything.

  2. My girlfriend has had her aunt and grandmother pass away in the last year. Her grandfather is 87 and is dying of prostate cancer now. I know this is very hard for her and she has breakdowns of crying for hours somtimes. I try to make her feel better and I do get her to talk about it occasionally sometimes. It seems to help for a little while when I can get her to talk but, it is hard to do. I have had 3 people close to me die in a year and a half too but she seems to be taking it alot harder than I did. How can I help her? What can I do? I love her and it tears me up to see her keep dwelling on this. The last person that died was 5 months ago but she still keeps thinking about it and crying alot. Does she just need more time? She also says that talking helps but its hard for her to do. She can and does talk about everything and anything very easilly with me except this, she kinda clams up. I need some advice on helping her cope with this.

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