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Posts posted by dbhustla

  1. so you have really kept to your guns with no contact latley... one week ago you were crying on my couch saying you wish never done this to us, and were ready to move back home because your not over us and still have feelings for me, and your new bf is into you more than your into him. What happened from the time i seen you last monday morning to now? i watched you drive off to go break it off with him and what could he have said to you to make you not wanna come back? i guess ill never know, im just shocked because you seemed so set on it and for once i beleived you. you did this to me twice in the past 4 weeks and i cant ever let you toy with me like that again... hope you found what your looking for deuces...

  2. i woke up with you on my mind and heart, i feel pretty weak right now, but i will not break down. as i sit here with my thoughts and re-evaulate the situation and think of our past , out of the 6 yrs i was with you i cant remember a time where we were happy for more than 2-3 months.you always brought your ex into our relationship and was unfaithful to me. but what you never knew was evertime you walked away i expected you too so i ended up adding atleast 8 new partners to my list just so when you walked out you didnt have one up on me. SORRY. you always picked up and left, and never was i as hurt as i am now strange enough. i always knew you werent the one but me being so attracted to you always made me cave in and "try" to work things out. you told me you cant do this anymore because you cant let go of our past, which is the end result of you letting us go thats pretty ironic. but now im starting to understand exactly what you mean by that because now i am sitting here and even though your with somone new, i cant get over our past, even if you were willing to work it out i dont think i could, i rather go threw this healing process. your finally X'ed out my life and even though im hurting inside im trying to focus on the point that you made "our past". it is whats letting me say ok i accept we are not together, good luck with everything... im sure you will need it. deuces


    p.s. we have lived together and you have moved out and moved back in atleast 5 times, your so hot and cold and really im the one to blame thinking you could change and me holding on, thankyou for making this decsiion for me , as i reread this i start feeling better im not wit you, please fix yourself first before you try to love someone new... poor new guy has no idea what hes in for.

  3. you said you didnt want to make a hasty decsion and you did... if you think replacing me is the answer to getting over us then so be it... remember i know you and your past and you always jump from one relationship to another without being over your previous... you have a pattern, fix yourself before you try taking on another relationship... i seriously dont wanna see you or talk to for a loooooooooooooongggggggggggggggggggnnnnnggggggggggggg tiiimmmeeeeeeeee bye now

  4. dear ex you just left my house and when i dont respond to you know its because i keep seeing you and not getting what i want out the relationship, ive been here trying for 3 and half months to get your attention to work it out, you tell me to go our separate ways but you still continue to come over every other nite and i let you because i truly love you, you cant let go of me but you cant be with me fulll time so if you cant make the decision i will for you.

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