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Posts posted by offerofadvise

  1. Hi,

    I am 34 years old and I have 2 big fears, fear of unknown/change and I have an extreme fear of having a baby. (Fear of the pain of childbirth and being in the hospital and the unknown of pregnancy). I do love kids. My bf of 14 years engaged with me 4 years ago, I have been putting off getting married because of the fear of the change and because I know as soon as were married he wants to try and start a family. (He has said this). He has been very aware of my fears/anxiety from the start. I guess he thought he could change me. I just started seeing a therapist, but he has ran out of patience. He is tired of wondering if I will ever make the jump, and sees me never getting married and we are not getting any younger so he has dumped me. I know he loves me, but I guess my fears are in the way. I am stuck!!! I am so afraid to have a baby I can not get past this. I feel like I lost the best thing in my life. I guess the best thing to do is let him go and get the family he needs, I love him to much to hold him back anylonger.

    Has anyone got past the anxiety of having a baby.

  2. Hi,

    Just an offer of advise from a womans prospective.

    I also grew up with restrictions. So as I got the chance, I also wanted to go out and have some fun. I did invite my spouse along but he did not wish to do so. My intention was just to have fun, not be unfaithful. "Girls night out" I actually felt closer knowing he trusted me. If you impose more restrictions, you could possibly push this person away.

    We all need trust in relationships.

    Just a thought.

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