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Posts posted by confusedinlove

  1. Thanks for the posts. I think most of my fears are for the future. so i need to think more about what I want, I have a great career myself and have been in this industry for over 7 years... I think one of the posts thought i was young. I am 29. He has his MBA from NYU (probably why i am more confused with his choice of day job... he is so smart and has such potential. I broke up with himin anger after a fight when we were both just tired and stressed out. I felt like music would come first with him no matter what.

    He admitted to me that he Was getting scared of the idea of marriage... He was the first one to bring it up and I didn't bother him about it but he felt like it was the next step and said more than he should have(Musicians always have big hearts) He says he now knows otherwise. He had seen an adorable little girl and thought of me and what our future could hold.

    i have a question ... he said to me when i asked if he was going to work on a back up plan. that he does not need a back up plan because he is doing what he loves (day job and music) Both do interlink also.... and that sooner or later when you put so much work into your interests it will pay off. Do you agree...?

  2. I've been going out with my boyfriend over 2 yrs. we lived together the last 8 months. He is one of the most loving caring smart individuals I ever met and even after yrs I am sooo attracted to him. We have always learned together from our problems. So when we broke up I was devistated It didn't make sense that two people who love each other just couldn't make it work if they wanted to.

    I am not sure how we ended up living toge ther. Probably not a well thought out way to go about it. and He knew i didn't really want to do it unless we were planning on getting married.

    He is a salesperson by day and a musician by night. Music is his first love. Nothing will get in his way of making his dream happen. I think he doesn't realize I would never try to stop him either. Even though I have told him over and over. I don't want him to give up his dream but even his day job does not earn a normal salary. It is commission only so I have always been the one to pay for dinner or any extras....


    It has taken four months but i finally feel strong again. I have learned alot from all of this. I was not showing him how much I loved him(even though I told everyone else) He told me over and over since we broke up how he does not want to have to worry about anyone else or be responsible for anyone else. Finally I decided that was not the type of person I wanted anyway and after trying to learn from my experiences with him I feel strong enough to start dating again.

    He asked to come over tues and he brought flowers and said everything a girl would want... He was just scared and now he is not, I love u want u in my life forever... want to make it all work...... so of course i am super confused. I love him just feel like we have baggage or things to figure out still.... I told him i wasn't sure and he said that's ok take your time I will wait..... sooooo confused. I am afraid of getting in a bad cycle. I want to believe he means it all. But I just wish He had a better back up plan for the future if his music career doesn't pan out.

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