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Posts posted by Scuza

  1. Wow, it's been a long time since I've been here. Almost a year and a half since I last posted. Life is crazy sometimes.


    It's been almost two and a half years since the big breakup. I haven't talked to her in 2 years, and I haven't seen her in a year and a half. I sometimes still think of her, but it's not in a 'I want her back way', but more of a 'those were some good times' way. I don't want or need her back, and there's plenty of other girls around my university to keep me busy.


    Since then, I have:

    - Switched university programs to one that truly fulfills me, and I actually enjoy. I work harder than ever, but never have I been so happy in my program selection, despite the fact that many of the assignments and projects drive my friends and I insane.

    - I've been to three national championships for running, and got a silver medal at one of them. Running and the running teams helped me find myself more than anything else did post-breakup.

    - Learned more about what I've wanted in a significant other, and traits I look for in an individual.

    - Learned more about myself, and become a more rounded person.

    - Had an amazing time, even if I've been single for most of it. (Few on and off things here and there, nothing major or exclusive.)


    I've been in the position many of you are currently in, and I just want to say that it does get better and easier with time. You were happy before them, and you will be happy after them. Treat it as a learning experience, rather than a painful experience.


    Back to exam studying for me.

  2. It's been a while since I've been here. My life has been insanely busy since then, but with school now over, I have a bit more time on my hands. Maybe my progress can give others motivation? Worth a shot.


    It's been 9 or 10 months since we broke up, I've lost count. I haven't been in contact with her for probably 8 months (lost count on that too).

    I did the begging and the pleading, hoping she would come to her senses and realize that things were great when we were together, like you may have done. It was hard not contacting her at first, but it became easier with time. Other girls started to catch my interest. I've started to realize that there were girls before her, girls after her, and there will be more girls in the future. She is not the only girl in the world.

    Sometimes things have to end so something else can begin. Do we mourn the end of one chapter, or do we begin reading the next?


    A few months after things ended with my ex, I had a short fling with another girl I met. I realized that I wasn't ready for anything yet, and ended things with her. Even though we weren't really in a 'relationship', she continued to contact me and try to force her way into my life, even after I told her that things were over between us. She was needy and co-dependent on me, which I found VERY unattractive, killing anything that we had between the two of us. In retrospect, this must've been how I seemed to my ex when we first broke up. It was good for me to be on the other side of things to understand it from a dumper's perspective.


    With regards to my ex, she is no longer a part of my life. I don't know where she is, how she is, or what she's doing. And that's just the way I like it.

  3. Haven't posted here in a long while due to exams, etc.

    Anyways, my mom told me the other day that my ex was really sick, in bed for days, and was unable to write her last two university exams. (Bit of background: my mom is a close friend with a small business owner, who employs my ex.)

    Didn't really phase me, but that night I had a dream about my ex in which we got back together. At times throughout the dream, it was my ex, while at others it was a different girl I've gotten to know this year. I didn't think very much of it, although I thought it would be good to post here anyways. Meh.

  4. You know you've been too long NC when you start counting the days as months ... so ... 118 days ~ 4 months!


    I only started counting in months because I lost count / forgot which day I was on, so I estimated. I suppose I could go through the effort of figuring it all out, but why? No need to put that much effort just to count

  5. So I texted my ex this new years with my new number. Breaking NC for over 4 months..She told me whos this? I said my name. Never got a response..I then * * * * ed up by calling her now..no response.

    I'm feeling like * * * * again and wanting to break down. I havent felt this way in so long..its so hard. I'm now stalking her FB page just hurting myself more


    You gotta delete her and block her from Facebook, man. I've been where you are. Checking their profile is always too tempting.

    Removing that temptation from yourself is such an enormous weight off your shoulders, trust me.

  6. Well, it's been about 2 and a half months since I've last had contacting with my ex (excluding the angry text she sent me two months ago, which I did not respond to, so doesn't count ).

    I'm feeling amazing. Christmas was great! Gave some good presents, got some nice ones in return. Good amount of money to put towards my second year of post secondary!

    Sometimes I still miss her, but it's easy to ignore now. I find myself thinking of her less and less each day, even!

    I'm enjoying being single, flirting with whoever I feel like

    Not being in contact with the ex is hard at first, but it gets much easier as time goes by.

  7. How'd that physics exam go?

    Oh wait, you probably failed it, cause you don't know anything about physics since you ignored my advice on taking it in high school for the two years we dated.

    'I won't have to take it in university, and it isn't a required course to get in.' OOPS. Guess that one came back to bite you in the rear.

    There goes your GPA, and with it, your self-confidence, and with that, your belief that you can do well, and with that, your GPA even further.

    I think you can see the pattern here.


    And what will you do now? I was the only one who would put up with your constant self-negativity.

    I don't even know if you're still seeing that random guy you just met, but I doubt that he'd be up for listening to you go on and on for hours about how you just can't do well in school.

    You probably should've just gone to the local university, instead of spending all that money to come out here only to fail with flying colors.

    Would've saved you a lot of time and money, and me a lot of grief.


    Am I angry? No. Bitter? Yes, I still am.

    One day you'll recognize that you can't find anyone better than me, because I was the only person willing to put up with all you did, and still be willing to support you.

    But by then, it'll be too late. I'm already gone.

  8. I couldn't resist... I checked his myspace.


    You HAVE to block your ex on social networks! It never ends well keeping them on there, it's too much temptation.

    Once you block them and that temptation is no longer there, it is so much easier to heal and keep going.

    I can vouch on personal experience.

  9. Back to start this challenege again.


    The last 6wks he has said everything that I wanted to hear.... he wants me in his life, he wants to spend time with me, he wants a strong relationship with me. I believed your every word. Only to find that he had posted on his FB how in love he is with his ex and how he wants her back.



    Was he specific in his Facebook post? Perhaps he was referring to you, if he wasn't specific? You are an ex of his.

    Perhaps you should confront him about what he's said to you, and ask if he was being genuine when he said that. Regardless of whether the post was about you or not.

    If he isn't being honest with you, and you know it, you should tell him to stop saying those things to you, as they are only hurting you.

  10. Day 30!

    WHOOOOOOOO! Challenged accepted, challenge completed!

    It seemed like a long time when I first started, and man, it was hard, but it did wonders for me!

    In retrospect, I realize that I had lost myself in the relationship, and that I was no longer the person I was when I first met my ex.

    To be completely honest, this breakup was one of the best things that could've happened to me, because it slapped me in the face and made me take a good look at who I used to be, and who I'd become.

    I feel free, and even better, I feel like me. I'm back to being myself.

    NC isn't about bringing your ex back, it's about bringing yourself back.

    Best of luck to everyone still going through the trials. Each day is easier than the last!

  11. I forget which day I'm at

    Today you texted me whining about how your dad found out you were seeing someone through my parents.

    It took a lot of willpower on my part not to tear you a new one. Who cares what your dad thinks? You're in university, in a different city.

    You still haven't matured a moment since high school. Go * * * * * to the guy you replaced me with, not at me.

  12. How was that physics midterm? Oh wait, you failed it, because you knew nothing two hours before the midterm started.

    I offered to help, not for any other reason than to help you not fail, but you said no, because you'd 'feel bad about having me help', when I seem to be the only person who can explain it in terms you can understand. Oops.

    On that note, I TOLD you that you should've taken physics in 11th grade, then told you again in 12th grade. Regretting that decision now? Maybe you should've listened to my advice instead of always brushing it off.

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