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Everything posted by RaiDeRz

  1. Well, the article has some truth to it. I think the title itself "Nice Guys Finish Last" isn't really true. You see, like since 10th-11th grade(im in 12th now) I would use that phrase over and over again. I use to say "Nice guys finish last" all the time. I was once one of those guys who was going for those "Heartless bitches" as the article puts it. I went for the girls who ingored me, treated me like shit and walked all over me. But yet I kept crawling back to them, or however you want to put it. I was always the one that was there for them, the one who listened to them bitch and complain about the guys who were treating them like shit, better known as the "Assholes". I was the guy who just wanted a chance and would do anything to get one, but never did get one. I tell you it hurt a lot to get treated like shit and everything. But things got better... over the summer I started hanging out with a girl named Melissa. We didn't know eachother that well. We knew eachother a little bit when I was in 11th, but we didn't talk too much in school. Just a quick hi or whatever. But over the summer we started to talk online a little more and a couple times we met up with our friends and just hung out. Every time that we did hang out, I started to like her a little more each time. It really didn't hit me until we went to a fair thing that is held every year. We went there and met up with a bunch of friends and just hung out. But later on that day all of our friends left and her and I were the only ones left and we got to talk a little and hang out together alone. It was only for about 20-30 minutes but it was enough to get me to really start to like her. She had already admitted to me like 2 weeks before the fair that she liked me a little. After the fireworks there that night I got online and we talked. I ended up asking her out and she said yes. That was July 27th. So we have been going out for a little over 3 months now. I tell you it has been an amazing 3 months with her(3 months 6 days to be exact) I think she is perfect in everyway. She is pretty, smart, funny, nice and just everything. She is emotionally stable unlike all the other girls I liked. I love her with all my heart. The funny thing is, here I am happy as ever with her, and the girls that I use to like are getting treated like shit from the "Assholes" and here I am happy. My girlfriend also says that I always keep her happy and everything, so its the other girls that are missing out. So it sucks to be them!!! So a little advice to the nice guys out there.. that special someone is out there!! I found mine, it took some time but it was worth it! Don't give up and keep looking!!
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