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Posts posted by Airbag

  1. Still trying to move on after all this time. Are you having fun with him? He's probably way cuter and funnier than I am, right? I really that someday you'll realize who you left behind. I gave you everything. I showered you with love and support. We have so many beautiful memories together, and you suddenly decided to leave me behind. How are you not affected by our break up? You went from loving me to being indifferent with me. It hurts so bad!

  2. I love you more than words can describe. Why did you leave me out here in the cold? You're having the time of your life right now while I'm a broken man. I just want to prove to you that I can be the man of your dreams. I can make you eternally happy. I will be there for you when you fall to pick you off the ground and carry you through the difficult times. If only you'd give me another chance and contact me...

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