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Blue Eyes

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Posts posted by Blue Eyes

  1. You may think you are an old maid, but you are a perfect example of how a 21 year old should behave. It's horrible to see the level that some people your age have gotten to. Anyways, if you're attracting the wrong guys, I hate to say this, but it might be the way you look and/or act, although I'm not saying that you do this, just saying it in general. The expression you wear should not be a suggestive one, and you wouldn't want to wear incredibly tight clothing or walk around like you're looking for a one-night stand. If you want a man that will adapt the who you want to be, dress and act like you imagine someone would if they were a hip mom/business woman/etc. Also, there are several other places where you can meet guys. Concerts...not rock or rap, but maybe something more sophisticated. Some coffeehouses, too, and the like. Good luck with finding that guy...you have some exemplary qualities in you, so put 'em to good work!

  2. Well...if I was you in this situation, if he called me or I talked to him, I would turn the tables on him and just adopt a stony, non-feeling look. But that might not be the best decision. What might be an idea is to talk to him about it, ask him why he behaved as he did, and tell him how it made you feel when he did that. Also, you might try getting him to talk about his ex so he can let those feelings out and have someone else help him.

  3. Well...it was more of the "wrong place, wrong time" for me. We live five hundred miles apart and we're too young to do anything about it. Also, everyone is urging against us...but they don't know what this love is really like. On top of that, she's seeing someone whom she really is not attracted to, but is her friend. She doesn't want to hurt her friend's feelings. A modern day Romeo and Juliet, I guess...a forbidden love. And I love every moment of it.

  4. I'm trying to stay in the real world...but now I look down on everyone. Talking about little crushes they have, who they think is hot...they have no idea what it is to really love. I can't stand their senseless vandalism, their insults that sting, their brawls for fun. And she doesn't, either. I don't know anyone with a personality or history so similar to mine. We've both gone through the same things. We just...click.

  5. But...this...this is so real. I don't feel like I could mistake this. I mean, it's possible that she is my soulmate, right? I'm at the point where if she died, I'd kill myself. And I don't think I'm just making a lot out of a little relationship...it just feels so...real. It's very hard to describe. Oh, I have met her once in real life, so I know who she is. We vacationed to Toronto for the holidays and I visited her. Not for long...but it was something.

  6. I know I'm only thirteen, but I think I've truly found my soulmate. We both love each other...with an undying love. We've made promises to meet when we die, and we can spend hours on messenger just...talking about why we love each other so much. We're 500 miles apart. I'm in Maryland, she's in Toronto, Ontario. But...this is so pure. I don't want anything from her. I just want to be there for her. We met over the web, because as kids do, we roleplayed, and we were both good writers...so we got to know each other. She's a day older than me, and we both have very similar personalities and histories. We've seen pictures of each other. I recently tried to commit suicide, and that's when we both admitted to it, and now...she's all that matters. I've found my soulmate. I don't feel a normal romantic attachment to her. I feel...like we are the same person. This is real, true love...not romantic, but something else, something more...and I know we are soulmates. But what happens now? What do you do when you find the perfect person? All we can do is talk, since we're so far apart...but I feel so different now. All I care about is her. And she says the same about me. What do I do?

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