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Posts posted by suggy

  1. dont do it! You have to much to give away, especially for a man who is putting you under that kind of pressure.


    I have not been the perfect bf hence why me and my gf broke up, But i would never ask a gf to give up anything of such kind. Does this guy know what love is.


    I will tell you what i believe love is. Sharing things, Loving every aspect of the person, taking an interest in the person, not taking them for granted, helping each other, Happiness and comprimise.


    This guy wants you to up and leave, thats been selfish if you ask me. Hasnt given you a thought and to me sorry if this is harsh but thats not true love!


    Best thing you could do is move on, Hard i know.


    I accepted that me and my gf were over and it hurt but i feel ateast i am going somewhere now. I can focus on moving on and becoming a great dad

  2. just an update.


    i have been weak tonight. While picking my son up i asked my ex if there was a chance for us again if she sees the changes i make.


    She said she thinks there could be a chance. Basically i told her i am not thinking of our relationship at the minute but concentrating on the relationship between me and my son. She was very pleased.


    I told her that yes i would like to get back, and if we dont that hopefully one day we can become friends. I told her i was changing for the better to prove to my self and make right all the wrongs i did in the relationship. She believes i can do this


    She is going out drinking with friends 2moro, I have never really been funny about her going out but now i am not with her thoughts of her finding/meeting a new man crosses my mind. I have not mentioned anything as i dont want to pressure her. I told her to simply have a good night.


    I also said one day in the future we can be friends. She commented again (not for the first time) she didnt like the thought of a future without me, she said it was a scary thought and life changing.


    She does not regret the break up and feels she has done the right thing which hurts to be honest but as long as she is happy that is what matters.


    There is a small glimmer of hope for me. This could really be my last chance so i am going to try my hardes to do all things right. Even if i dont get her back which i am not holding my breath to do so i will be a better man all around.


    Any thoughts about this update will be appreciated


    P.S i got a text from my friends saying i should have went drinking, i replied sorry i am spending the weekend with my son. Priority!


    I felt so good within my self.


    He is fast asleep now after having a great night playing with his toys in the bath, I even allowed him to have a play on my laptop

  3. me and my ex broke up and i love her loads. i want her back and am going to give her time. i saw that this site offers spells to get love back which are guarenteed. i am not really a believer in spells and i just wanted to know what other people think about them, have they worked for other if so please give stories. i mean they are guarenteed so might as well try them....

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