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Posts posted by camus154

  1. This actually isn't a scam. I have several poems published by them. Yes I bought all but one of the books but when I got them, they were not cheaply made and 100% genuine and nice looking. I didn't have to buy them but did anyway. It's not a scam and I'm proud of that fact that for years now I've been a published poet. So it's not a scam and I don't know why anyone would think it is.


    It is a scam--you just got suckered into buying it You paid for the opportunity to call yourself a published poet--that's how it works.

  2. Question: how do you get that....finished quality? Does that make sense? I get framing and composition and all that, but do you alter the contrast or colors or anything? It's like these same pictures of the same objects, composed the same way in the same lighting, still wouldn't look the same on the average person's camera.

  3. It wasn't until the very end of your post that I realized by "date" you meant a timestamp, not a person!


    There is a free photo editing tool called "The Gimp" that you could try to remove the date. Something like a blend or clone brush that lets you use sections of the photo to paint over other sections in an effort to cover it up.

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