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Posts posted by HE16

  1. One month since you broke my heart, said we could try again one day, told me I was beautiful and you wanted to be my best friend. Just under a month since you told me you never wanted to see me again, you hated me and wanted me out of your life. Three weeks since you kissed me and said you still thought I was amazing and wonderful, you just didn't want a relationship. Two weeks since you asked me to start seeing you, tried to sleep with me, then changed your mind when I wouldn't and said I didn't want you to see other girls too. A week since you decided to lie to me and broke your promise about keeping in touch. An hour since you admitted you don't care anymore, and 30 minutes since I realised that you have turned into a drinking yob who doesn't care about anyone. You broke all your promises. How could you break your promises? You swore you wouldn't, the day before you dumped me on Facebook you told me you wanted to propose but it wouldn't be right at our age. I need someone better - someone like who you used to be, because you were PERFECT. You were so perfect, you were everything I wanted and needed. You protected me without being posessive, you looked after me, you didn't push me into anything, you gently told me to be careful when I went out, you made the effort to see me and made me feel beautiful and wanted. You changed so quickly. I knew I was lucky to have you, but I thought you were the one I was supposed to be with because we were everything the other wanted in a partner. But you used me. You wanted sex. And a girlfriend to hang on your arm. You wanted to get drunk and sleep with other girls. And you changed so quickly I didn't even have time to stop you.

  2. The first thing my aunt said to me after the break up was that her eldest daughter, my cousin, and her husband dated for a year, broke up for three, then got back together after a chance meeting and have just celebrated their 12th anniversary and have two kids.


    Then she told me about her youngest daughter, who dated a guy in university but things fizzled out. He moved to the other side of the country, but she never gave up what he calls "stalking him." This was before the time of Facebook and mobile phones, so you have to hand it to her. Anyway, a few years later he visited some friends and she happened to be around. They got back together and are now expecting twins!


    At first I was angry at her for telling me this. I mean, how can I even begin to give up hope after hearing that?! She explained to me that both of her daughters had moved on and were in much, much better places by the time they got back together with their partners. Sometimes you have to move on before you can go back!

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