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Posts posted by Natasha207

  1. I know you don't ever think of me. It doesn't seem that I cross your mind the way you do mine

    I thought what we had was a special bond

    But after all this maybe I'm wrong

    If you can move on and marry another like I dont exist

    Maybe you needed me more like a kid and their blanket

    I went tonight knowing you may be there

    You weren't. But it turns out you were concerned whether I was going to be.

    I feel right now that I won't ever forgive you

    I hate that though. It shouldn't be true

    But this heart knows why

  2. After our breakup, I realized that it was too hard to keep you close, near, know you exist

    I couldn't watch as you fell in love with someone else while I struggle to put my pieces back together still

    A year and I still feel pieces missing. I couldn't watch.


    I pretend you don't exist- but my brain reminds me at night

    The dreams I can't control- the dreams where I beg you to look at me the way you used to

    I know it was toxic, I needed a break.


    But that doesn't mean i didn't or dont still love you

    I didn't lie when i said i loved you more than most people on this planet

    You were my family- my home. How can I just wipe it away?


    Even though I know my mind was at its breaking point - I needed out of the chaos... but I couldn't take my heart out

    You can remove yourself from a situation - but you can't just casually remove the feelings from your soul.


    The hurt I caused, the hurt i felt- that i still feel-

    They still don't mask or hide the passion or intensity my soul has for you. The way it clings to those butterflies I felt as your lips touched mine.


    Will I ever feel that way again? Sometimes im optimistic, but at night i think that a big piece of me went when i left. You took it- I don't think you kept it. But its gone from me wherever it went.


    I still keep going- try to put myself back together. Parts of me are much better, that's for sure. I feel healthy and happy.


    But my heart sings a song sometimes that I cannot help but hear. It still hurts. Very very much.

    The tears still soak my pillow as i write every word. Each tear carries its own story and represents a moment in time where our hearts were one.


    I know there was bad.. but I'll never ever forget the good

    I try to close the book - call it my biggest chapter yet. But i think i keep adding pages even though i dont try to.


    Im sorry.

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