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Posts posted by dolorosa

  1. It pisses me off that you always said that if a couple breaks up once, they shouldn't get back together because they'll just break up again. I know you'd never ever take me back.


    But you'd get back together with her. She's always different, isn't she? She gets to call the shots, and she doesn't give a crap.


    You told me you wanted to find happiness from within yourself instead of from other people, and you wanted to be single for a while.


    So then why are you with her? You dug down deep inside yourself and found her? She is your happiness that doesn't come from other people?


    I'm sick of your lies. You say a lot of pretty words, but you don't mean any of them. You don't want my friendship. You want my attention.


    Exactly how I feel right now.... back to a cheating wife, who is now away, more likely in someone's bed. She is an unhappy, unkind, person and totally failed as a mum too but hey you love her, exactly as she is. I was never your type, you need someone you can look after, with not brains... there you go, back to where you belong.

  2. I did not see this post until today, you are so right, but if he was obviously attaracted to her, he was missing something from what we had. I am in a much better place now, I do not think he will ever let her go, he seems to think is because she is bipolar (actually a concept I dont believe) he won't leave her because he likes the chaos she brigs, he wont leave her because she did everything he wanted to. It hurst to think that he was not mine and never will be, but hey everyone deserves uncondionally love and I will have it.

    Sexual attraction can happen in an instant but love usually takes a lot longer to manifest itself especially true unconditional love. You can be sexually attracted to more than one person at a time. A relationship cannot survive on sexual attraction or just love itself. There has to be more to it, especially for communication.
  3. Thank you so much destiny. I just wish I was string again as I always been. I have not desire to go and meet guys, been chatting to people and just to think about moving forward in a relatiosnhip makes me sick. He is already lining up his next victim, while I am still here hoping he will come around and fix everything. I know I need to let go but something inside me keeps telling me is not over. Seriously I dont know how I still think after all the * * * * I found out. Thanks again for you kind words x

  4. Destiny, I have been emotinally unavailable all my life ( * * * * childhood, I guess) I never allowed myself to love but always let them know, every time I was in a relationship I made sure they knew I was not in for love, with my ex was different, something about him, I fell in love with him for the very first time at 31. I am scared I will go back to my old self and don't be able to love ever again. He also said that he was sexually attracted to his wife while with me, does that mean I am crap in bed? I have not idea what to think anymore. Why people think that sex is everything, and dont get me wrong i like sex lol but there is more than sex in relationships.

  5. How do you stop hoping? I was doing well, until I found all that stuff out. He is already talking to two girls, perhaps waiting to see which one fits best his needs and probably also his still wife. I feel like s*****, met someone who is funny and seems nice but can't even think on having another relationship in the near future. How can they move on so quick and have fun with more than one person , when we can't because we are still haunted by them?

  6. I was also in LDR, but i do believe I need counselling. I never allowed myself to be in love, this was the first time I let myself love someone and feel so pathetic after all the attemps to bring him back. I am considering counselling, moving away will be the best for my daughter, but not the best for me. I just need to give it time. Thanks for all your kindness x

  7. Destiny, I have been horrible, I have never beg for anything in my life, Weekends are the worst, he should be here today I should been 3 weeks into not contact like you but I just dont seem to be doing anything right at the moment. Perhaps moving away will be the best I can do. How are you doing?

  8. I know I made a mistake, and I do nto longer want to look needy because I know I am not. It does hurt, we had a whole future planned, I even decided to move to Scotland after he asked me to, so glad that he did not break up with me after, I can see clear now and need to think about my daughter and myself. Thanks for your support x

  9. I do not know why, he said few days ago that I sued to say I love you too much, and that i was clingy. We went to his best friend wedding in April and he said that night he realised he did not want to be with me, just because he had too much to drink and acted like an A***, I don't think any of those things he said are real, I work since I was 15, I have raised my daughter alone, have my own place, curently back at university to finish my degree, he cant have the last work to say I was clingy, when I did not even call him. I feel the need to say something, although I know it was not important for him and he will probably laugh (because I have been in his position before) I will stick to no contact and honestly i do not want him back.

  10. I just emailed him feel really bad I could not stop myself but I needed to say a few things. I am staying strong and honestly I do not think I want him back even if he comes begging, because no one should break up by text and with some excuses he probably does not even understand. At the end of day, I think he does not love me, and love is the one thing you can not force. I decided to seek help, and booked to go away for 7 weeks after my daughter finish school.

  11. Moonchill, I feel exactly the same. Tonight I feel like texting him so bad, just spoke to my sister and she said I should not, I just needed soemone to open my eyes, and checking this site often is also helping me. I am a good person I know I deserve to be love, just do not know why I can't keep a relationship

  12. Hey Destiny,

    I am not angry, I am dissapointed, I have been very independent all my life and for the pat 6 weeks I have begged, cried, and begged so more. Relationships are hard work but if both person are commited, it should make things easier, the closure he gave me has changed 3 times in the past 6 weeks, now I do not know which one is the real reason of our breakup, but after reading so many stories here, I have decided that I do nto care anymore. Either he loves me and wants to fight for what we had or not, and he obviously does not. I am moving on, slowly and with the most horrible pain but I need to do it. Hope we can both come out of this stronger and lookign forward to a bright future.

  13. Hello Everyone, This is my first post here but I have been reading some of your stories for one week, Unfortunately, I have begged, cried, called, emailed and even sent letters to try to get exboyfriend back. My story is not different than most of you, boyfriend of 9 months, both of us are single parents and live in different cities, althought we managed to see each other every weekend and had firm plans to move together this summer. Ex texted me one day to say he has problems with comminment after his ex wife cheated and he can t deal with me at the moment, he says he can't give me what i want, last week, he said the problems was that I was too needy, and now he says I do not know how to deal with arguments, some of this I accept but I believe he should have try to fix the problems we had.


    So this is NC day 1 for me and really hope you guys can help me, I am determined to move on, since this break up has been the worst thing I ever experienced and my daughter is getting all the bad of me at the moment.

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