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Posts posted by StayingStrong

  1. I sent a text to my ex while I was on a night out. It could have been A LOT worse, as all I sent was " I wouldn't have remembered sending it if I hadn't checked my phone in the morning to see that she had sent "What was wrong? Xx" the next morning. I didn't reply and we haven't had any contact since. No real contact since Thursday evening. I met up with her on Thursday but after a few of these meetings as "friends", I realised that the contact was making me think about her and miss her even more. I decided Thursday night that I wouldn't initiate any contact with her. The only problem is - the other times we've met up is because she called me and asked... what do I do next time she calls? Should I even pick up?



    Any way... I guess if I knew you still loved me and felt the same way, I'd tell you how much I miss you. I wish I could just let it all out, show you how angry you've made me and ask you how you could do this to me... I wouldn't do what she did to me to anyone, let alone the person I'm supposed to love. * * * * ing hell. Just come back to me, apologise and tell me you want me back. Tell me you want to try again and that you'll never do anything like this again... I know that's never going to happen... I miss so much about our relationship. I miss you so * * * * ing much. I can't cope right now, no matter how supportive my friends are being.

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