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Posts posted by tonyatl

  1. Maybe it is as simple as the fact that Women pick Men. Men have little less control on who they choose and get as mates. Hence, we tend to feel that we will never be able to replace them.


    The ironic thing is as long as we are submitting to depression, we will never meet the next and in my experience better mate. This is just one of the costs of a breakup -> Opportuntity Costs. When I add the rest of your investment (time, money, emotional committment) I will make sure (to the best of my ability) to avoid a breakup situtation as much as possible. How? By not giving to much too soon, never ever giving up my social network, and qualify early!

  2. My girlfriend of 6months broke up with me a month ago. She said that something was "amiss" from the beginning. We were both going thru bad financial problems. I was in much worse financially then her. It was very hard, but we made it through (of so I thought). I couldn't believe that she was leaving when things were turning around.


    I am fighting to keep my focus and concentration. I can't stop thinking of her. We spent all of our time together. Good friends and lovers. She called me two days ago. I told her that I missed her, and she said that she thinks of me all of the time and misses me. She also said that it was natural since we spent so much time together. I think I misinterpreted her call and asked her out. She said it was too soon. I think she was being nice and called to be friends. Which I have no interest in. I have too much on the line (business ) to be distracted with false hopes.


    Should I talk to her one last time, forget it, email her or what?


    Please help

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