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Posts posted by Laylan

  1. DD and Scotty123,

    thank you both for your words.


    DD, i've never been closer in my faith and it helps, you are so right!! I can't change what is, i can just move forward. I am trying. I have a huge support team so i am very lucky, i guess its just that at times you can't help but think of what went wrong and how it shouldn't have. I'm getting there and hopefully i'll be much better after 120days

  2. Do you keep going back and forth over the relationship in your mind or are you afraid to let go and live life for yourself? The relationship is over. If you are feeling any pain it is coming from you and not your ex.



    Its not that i think so much about the relationship, its just that i can't get rid of this feeling of i know its going to work out somehow. I know its stupid of me to think that way, i just can not get rid of that feeling. I've had other exs and i've never felt this way before. I'm actually friends with a few of my exs and i'm fine but this one has just been so hard and i can't seem to figure out why. Like i've said, its a lot easier today than it was 60 and 30 days ago, but i'm still hurting.

  3. Thanks DD,

    I agree with everything your saying. I was doing well for a while and than i've just been feeling like its not possible for either of us to be with anyone else because we were so good together.


    See my issue isn't that we didn't get along, or fight, or not love each other. I'm 26 and hes 27, we dated for 2.5yrs. We always talked about marriage and kids and being together forever. Back in April he told me he just wasn't ready for all that and it crushed me. So even though i know we both love each other and wanted the same things we just didn't want them at the same time.


    I just can't let go of that hope and that 'what if'


    thanks for your kind words!!

  4. 52days total NC and i am still so sad. I want my life with him back!! Why can't i get over this??


    Together 2.5yrs

    Broke up because he was not ready to get married and i was (he broke up with me telling me he wants me to find what i want since he can't give it to me). We had a great relationship.

  5. I have a friend who lived with her boyfriend of 3 years, had 2 dogs and a house together. He just could not fully commit and ended up leaving her. She was heartbroken and left, moved in with her mom. She went stright into NC because she was so hurt and moved on with her life. She dated other people and he dated one girl for like 3 months. 10months later he came back and wanted her back. They've been together 3 years now and have a baby boy.

  6. DAY 31NC


    I've had no contact with my ex for 31days now. It sure is easier than day 1, 5, 10, 15 and so on but it still hurts like hell at times. I am starting to realize that he does not want me and will not come back and that sucks. Up t this point i had some kind of hope that he'd realize he made a mistake and would come back (not being able to control this feeling). I am looking to the future and waiting for the day i wake up and feel good knowing that he is not in my life anymore.

  7. Silverbirch


    That was beautiful, so much like my life, so much like my way. I gave him everything, all of me, i changed myself to fit his life. I gave up family, friends, and everything else to make him happy becasue i was so afraid that if he wasn't happy i wouldn't have him. I should have been me!!!


    NC since April 17thth 2011, so hard and so painful!!! I hope I heal fast!!!

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