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Posts posted by sada88

  1. Two stories that I know of for getting back together and maybe one in the process:


    One of my mates is dating a Muslim and she is from the Baltic region. His mother hates her and he is one of those people who compartmentalise all portions of his life. She is incredibly emotional and when she gets emotional, she tends to be a tad bit verbally abusive. They broke up three times due to these issues. The last one, he broke up with her because he realised that he couldn't give her what she wants - commitment and having a bf that is emotionally available. She met up with him and tried to talk to him out of it. ...they were broken up for maybe a month (?). Anyway, I don't know what happened but they are now back together. What I do know is that they remained in LC with one another. Neither one went NC during this breakup. Maybe NC for the first two break-ups but he always reached out after a couple of months to get back together.


    Second story:

    Another of my mates is dating her first love in HS all over again. Apparently, he left her because he fell in love with another woman. But they always remained in contact with one another for the next 7 years. He always came over during the holidays and her family loves him. Well, they met up during a holiday party sometime this year and both realised that they still love each other. They are now dating each other again.


    Maybe getting back together is my story. This guy isn't the one who drove me to Enotalone but a different one. I'll post it if I do choose to get back together with him but it is currently process.

  2. 2 quick stories on get back together and 1 I guess dumpee revenge(?):


    1. One of my girlfriends is from a Jewish background (conservative) and was dating a secular Jewish boy. Her parents were against it from the start unless the boy was willing to marry her. They dated for about a year when the boy decided to break it off. He wasn't ready for such a commitment. The girl took it with aplomb and decided to be friends. She goes over to his house to return his sunglasses. When he saw her, he started breaking down in tears and said that he wanted to be with her. They've been dating now for their 3 year anniversary and talking about marriage.


    2. One of my friends, A, was doing a study abroad trip in japan when she met C. A is a secular Muslim but she does practice some of their beliefs. C, on the other hand, was a closet atheist. C wasn't sure if he wanted to date A for long term so he ends it with her. A decided to go NC for 1 month where she shacked up with another guy. This woke up C and C decided that he wanted to date her for real. A and C have now been dating 3-4 years now and C is thinking about proposing soon. I don't know if it will be a happy story since now A is thinking about breaking it off because of the cultural differences and C is not willing to convert and A might want to raise their children in the Muslim manner.


    3. There is this guy (P) that got left by his girlfriend (B) for another man (D). P was near suicidal and whatnot and decided to contact a psychic. The psychic decides to take on his case and scams him out of his money (a good 100k) while B and D were shacking up. Of course, B being typical breadcrumbs dumper calls up once in awhile and leads P on for about 2 years. Anyway, 2 years passed, the psychic is still "working" on this case, and B decides to contact P and they started going out again. The problem is that B was now no longer stuck in the honeymoon phase with D and now wants to choose between P and D. P wouldn't have it since he moved on too much and tells her to choose D instead since D obviously fits her more now. I don't know what happened to P (he isn't a friend but a story I read online about scams) but I do know to never go to a fake psychic for ex work. Gypsy psychics are con artists...

  3. I have two stories regarding the same girl:


    1. My friend started dating her best friend but her best friend's ex was always in the picture trying to steal him away. Bf's ex kept on sending him lewd photos of herself and sexting and her bf would always goad it on. Anyway, long story short...my friend found out the photos and dumped his two-timing a*s. And he went back to his ex who is quite inferior to my friend. His ex has like 4 children and is currently on welfare while my friend is going for her Masters. And his ex is quite psycho. She keeps on msging my friend really messed up texts.


    2. This same friend also dated another guy that cheated on her. She ended it and kept telling him off whenever he tries to contact her. Anyway, he gets into an accident and he calls her up for help. She helped him out and he realized that he fell in love with her because she was always the one there for him when he needed it. Anyway, they've started dating again.

  4. Uh..I'm more inclined to think good riddance. The first guy was a cheater and got a STD from his ex. Him and his ex are both into hardcore drugs. He also didn't treat my friend right either. Personally, I think they deserve each other. My friend deserves someone better. Likewise with the second scenario. His girlfriend treated him horribly and he still went back. The 2nd girl's boyfriend treated my friend more like a friends with benefits scenario nor did he ever take her out.

  5. I have two more stories...'cept they are more on the selfish dumpers side.


    1. There is a friend of mine that has been dating this guy for a month but he was hung up on his ex. His ex came back into the picture and my friend's boyfriend cheated on her with the ex and sort of gave my friend a STD. My friend broke up with him and he went back to his ex.


    2. Another one of my friend "dated" this guy for approximately 2-3 more and according to him, his ex was a nightmare. The guy just got out of a really long relationship and I guess my friend was more of a rebound. Anyway, the guy was completely no good. Dealt with drugs and smoke weed and whatnot. He always prioritized his ex first. Anyway, his ex came back into the picture and he dumped my friend for his ex.

  6. I know of two stories where the dumpers came back to the dumpee and had a chance for reconciliations...but the dumpee didn't take them back. One story where there was a reconciliation but they had to break up because of different life views and distance.


    1. One of my girlfriends is one of those girls that liked guys that have no interest in her and she fell for this gamer during our freshmen year of college. Let me put it this way, they were one of the strangest couple I have ever seen. She was a beautiful sophisticated girl and the other one would only talk about video games. Anyway, the girl thought the guy never treated her like a real girlfriend and always prioritize his friends over her so she kept on breaking up with him but would always come back to him. Anyway, during their last time they tried it out, after a year of trying, she broke it off because she finally got fed up. She went off to Italy for a semester but they had minimal contact since he believed in being friends with his exes. Anyway, she came back from Italy and wanted to try again and he said no.

    2. This same guy fell for a girl after awhile but he thought he would marry her. But another girl #2 came along (so she became a rebound...so for everyone that got left for someone else, this could happen!) and he became distracted so he left his ex but then he realized that his ex is the one that he wanted to be with. His ex was devastated and also rebounded and married her rebound...heh. Anyway, that marriage was what woke up my friend and to this day, he refuses to talk about her.

    3. I have another friend who dated this girl but she cheated on him. But my friend loved her enough to take her back. The problem was that they had to break up since he wanted world domination + success while she wanted family. She also went to grad school in another state and he didn't believe in LDRs so they broke up.

  7. I hate you so much you smug ass. I hate you for cheating on me emotionally and then telling me I was crazy for being paranoid. For falling for someone who will never love you the same way I did. For telling me so many mean things and expecting us to be best friends. I hate you for writing that letter and I especially hate myself for falling for you. I hate myself for giving you validation.

  8. I'm so confused right now...We've been broken up for almost a month and the words you still said in the break-up are still ringing in my ears...I don't know whether or not if you are lying to me or not but it still hurts. The fact that you thought I was being emotionally abusive, the fact that you never really knew me and the fact that you keep around friends who are more or less not stable...hurts. I don't know whether or not if you have moved on or not but you probably most have. That is fine...I'll continue to move on with my life. I'm sorry that I was a major * * * * * to you...

  9. Day 9:


    When I thought I was finally over you, it turns out I was deathly wrong. Why is it that I can't trust you? You are making me question the two years we had together. Why must you have have this macho facade in which you pretend you are fine and dandy in front of your friends? And keep on reiterating that you are fine, that you are sure that you will never come back? Pretending that you are such a dude... I don't know which side of you to believe anymore? The one that keeps on telling me we might have a chance in the future or the one that keeps on coming up with more and more excuses that we should never be together again to your friends? I would like to believe that we have a chance and that you are following the Bonnie Weil book down to the dot. But I don't know anymore. I don't know if I can trust your two-faced. I regret everything about you right now-trusting your sweet words, losing my virginity to you, opening myself up, taking you back so many times...for you to do this. It feels like you are ripping out my heart over and over again

  10. Day 9 of NC. I unblocked him from AIM but we aren't talking to each other. He is respecting my wishes for NC in the hopes that one day we can be friends again. Today is also the day he asked me out which makes me even more depressed. So to keep myself preoccupied, I'm going to go to the Museum of Natural History and just place a flower there as a sign of closure...and take a photo of it for memories. Afterwards, I'll get food with my friends and just walk along Shore Road. Here is to another day where I don't relapse into tears again. Cheers

  11. Day 8


    Decided to go on the NC challenge...and I thought I was healing till I woke up with a nightmare. I tried to get back together with him in a dream and he told me that he never loved me b/c I was an emotionally abusive crane-like shrew. Still missing him and thinking about how I missed all the signs...

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