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Posts posted by SteakHouse

  1. Sup all. I posted a topic a few weeks ago, I think it was called "Can't read her body language". Well I talked to her, we got everything out in the open, but she told me it's complicated. Her dad said that if she ever dated a black guy (me) he would disown her. She doesn't think she meant it, but that's got me worried, because I don't have much time before I go to Marine Corps Recruit Training. And I really want to be with her. I was wondering..if I should talk to her father myself, or if we should keep the relationship on the downlow. Meaning don't tell her parents..but that would mean she would have to lie to them, and I don't want her to do that. Any advice??

  2. I used to be a skinny, non girl getting kinda guy. As soon as I picked up weights, got a little bulk to myself, I gained tons of confidence. And that is what the girls see in me. Most girls like a guy with it, and not someone who they know everyone will walk over. With that said, I usually use the like "If you don't want to go out with me, just tell me. I'd rather have you tell me now then have you blow me off). Now, I only use that line when I don't think the girl likes me, or gives me weird answers. When I call them out like that, I get a straight up answer, it may hurt to find out the truth (if it's bad) but it'll save you a lot of time. Maybe you should just be upfront with her?

  3. Hey, I'm new here, and I'm posting this because I don't know what else to do. I've been talking to this girl, who I work with. I'm crazy about her. I took her out for her birthday (just dinner and we sat in my car and talked for an hour), and I took her to dinner and a movie last friday. Since we work together pretty much every other day, we see each other a lot. But she used to never talk to me that much, only when I said something first. I had put my notice in to quit(but ended up not quitting), we actually spent my last hour with her talking and joking around.

    The thing is, I make her laugh a lot, and she goes out with me, but I can't tell if she likes me at all. I mean, she NEVER calls me unless shes calling me back, and in I can't read her body language, like when we're at dinner. I don't think she has a lot of dating experience, so that may be a sign. But I just want to know how do I know if she feels the same way about me, or if she want's me to take the relationship a step further? Thanks in advance.

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