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Posts posted by vshedevil4206954

  1. i just wanted to you guys thanx for the advice i really apreciate it things are good with me and my gurl we talked it out and everythings fine.....shes not all worried but you know sumtn now i do have a different problem its no ones fault just kinda happened....the other day my gf's(roxy) ex boyfriend (chris) called her up and she hasnt talked to him in a good while....now i new that before i even came into the picture and she was with this guy that they thought she was pregnant but she told me it turned out she wasnt but das not the whole story.....she told me she really was now i didnt let her tell me what really happened yet because id prefer for her to tell me in person rather then over the phone.....but since this guy keeps calling her and i mean really calling her like he calls her like ten times in a row every twenty minutes and its driving me crazy because it really brings her down she said that talking to him like hearing his voice brought back everything(bout da baby) and since ive never been in that situation i dont exactly know what to tell her but i hate seeing her upset and i have no idea of how to help her so if n e body can help me out at all id really apreciate it......


  2. so ur going out with this gurl for four months and u run out things to talk about??? i been with my gurl for going on four months but the topic of conversation is never really a question....i dont mean to dis on ur relationship or n e thing like dat all im saying is can u like talk to her about nothing at all or sumtn of importance and itll all b ok like it dont matter as long as yall are talking?? i just think u should call her up and b like hey hows ur day and i miss u and just try talking to her and if thats not possible then think about yalls relationship is she really the person u wanna b with....i dunno if thats much help im not to good on advice in a box im more of a person to person.....


  3. ok so me and my girlfriend have been together for going on four months.....i love her alot well we love each other alot thing is i live in corpus and she lives in san antonio(a good distance) we see eachother as often as possible.....all in all our relationship is very good shes my bestfriend and my one and only.....we ocasionally have our share of disagreements and argue but since we talk at night sometimes she has to go and we never finish the conversation so i guess u could say we argue for a good day or two u no and she thinks its really bad sometimes im not saying its good that we argue but i think we have a very good relationship we laugh so much and when im with her its the best thing and when were apart i miss her so much she gets upset sometimes when i take the blame for sumtn gone wrong she says i never let her take the blame even though i know its her fault which i guess is partially true but one way or another i always tend to blame myself im not sure y i just do.....i tried telling her that it is normal for a couple to argue and no we dont argue everyday or n e thing like that just every now and then.....but i guess im not really sure about how normal it is for a couple to argue....i just need some advice or opions on this whole thing please....


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