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Posts posted by jakel

  1. DAY 39


    Got a text from my ex today saying she might be in town soon and wants to hang. I wondered what was up, since she was supposed to be moving accross the country to be with her new guy. I decided to check her Facebook after months of having it blocked to find out if she actually moved.




    I'm waiting a bit to text her back, but I find it kind of funny that as soon as she breaks up with her guy of 5 months she sends me a text. Me = Winner?


    I have to admit I felt a tinge of envy when I read this,( I don't see this being my experience), but good for you NG85! Keep us posted

  2. day 23

    I think I regressed typed her name into Google up came her Facebook profile page (I'm not on Facebook) there she is in yet another picture and there he is with his arm wrapped around her I cant believe It. I want to throw my computer out the window, I want to leave town, I hate my life

  3. Broke NC. Can't do it anymore..... I have done the same thing a ton of times, I think its par for the course I am presently on day nine she broke up with me Mid November. I would resolve to nc have high emotion come up, (either anger or some kind of nostalgic gratitude), and break down and text or email. I have gone as a month tops nc my goal is two. It hurrrrrrrrttttts!! a lot of the time I know. I don't know you but I know you deserve to be happy and free!
  4. Yesterday was my birthday. His best friend suddenly texted me with the question if I was over my ex. I ignored the question and answered the other ones. I feel weird about it though. It makes me wonder.. was my ex sitting right next to him? Is this a test? It's a bit strange to say the least.

    Happy birthday Moonchill! Could the best friend potentially be interested?

  5. Day 7:


    What a day, I messed myself up last night listening to break up songs I posted, I will not be posting any more of that! I don't get it how could I be so sure of something and then she left ? I'm sick of trying to act like im doing OK, I feel like I have been trying to blow sunshine up my own posterior (its hard not to swear). I'm wrecked, I'm really really sad, I feel so alone, things were bad a lot, but we were friends to I miss her. I cant do this I cant act like I'm doing OK! What is the point? I really have no idea how to go to work tomorrow I cant stand it. I put myself out there way too much, I guess I put too much on this relationship.

  6. Day 5: Its probably a little controlling but I wish I could make people stop saying her name! My job that I stayed at and she left seems to have an endless supply of dopey fans of hers that ask how she is? and how she is doing in ( )? I tell them I don't know we don't talk anymore, It irritating as well... you know.

    I have become obsessed on how hideously deformed and ugly I must be and how annoying and intolerable I must be to be around. Its dissipating some but it still sucks! Its been 5 months She is 3000 miles away has a new boyfriend and we were both not that free together why do I miss her? good times

  7. Day 4: I have gone a month nc twice since we broke up 5 months ago. My personal challenge is two months nc now. The last text I sent was an apology for the nasty email I sent a month prior (upon seeing a picture of her and her new guy and her mom for the first time). Also thanking her for encouraging me to write my daughter a year ago because I was seeing her for the first time in 9 years that day. I wished her well asked her not to respond and explained it wasn't out of resentment but out of self preservation. Its over and done with.


    wish I could have shared this event with you but you probably would have been jealous and made the whole thing a drag. WHY DO I MISS YOU?!!?

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