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Posts posted by lovebunny

  1. I guess I don't want to sound off an alarm. He tells me I worry and take things the wrong way too much as it is. I don't want to start a fire if there isn't smoke.


    I guess my question should be directed toward the guys:

    Have you ever called a g/f a buddy and if so what did it mean to you?

  2. Lately my b/f of one year has been calling me his bud or buddy or saying we're buds. I'm not sure how to take it. Last night he kept telling me how radiant I looked and that he likes the tomboy in me.


    I don't know.... how many of you have called your SO a bud and what did/does it mean exactly? Is it a good sign?

  3. My b/f and I have been together 1 year as of Oct.


    My b/f used to talk with her more often. She and Steve both used to call him separaetly and complain about their relationship a few months after we started dating. She in particular would call my b/f crying a lot. When the * * * * the fan with me my b/f said he was still talking with her on the phone and stopping by her place now and then but keeping it a low profile from Steve at that time.


    As far as flirting... I think it would be hard to tell. If there is something between them they may have learned to keep from showing it because of Steve's jealousies and now me. They do seem kind of energized and spirited around each other though.


    Steve keeps asking me and Darrell to go to their place to dinner "before the family disbands" as he said the other day (Cheryl has 2 girls). But I don't think I could go a whoole evening without saying something about the elephant in the room.


    I should also add: my b/f was separated when I met him. He is divorced as of 2 months ago. About 5 moinths into our relationship and he had started divorcing (75% due to my prompting according to him) I asked him if when he talks about starting his new life and having a new life partner afterwards if he thought of me. He said "Of course I think about it. But I can't make any promises right now. I don't know how I'm going to feel about this realtionship once I'm divorced" " This troubled me tremendously because he had been telling me for months he was in love with me.... asked how I would feel about becoming a step-mom.... saying it felt right between us. He added "I'm not saying I'm going to run out and screw every woman I see... but I'm going to be picky and ask a lot fo questions. That's why I've been asking you a alot of questions."

  4. Hi all. I'm new here. My problem is....


    I met my b/f through another guy. A music venue I frequented I met a guy Steve one night. We sat together most the night talking and laughing. Toward the end of the night he all of a sudden exclaimed very excitedly: "Wait util you meet my friend Darrell! You guys have so much in common!" I said I would probably be returning to the club the next week.


    The next week I met Steve and his friend Darrell. We did hit it off. Steve left a little early and said to us as he was leaving: "Hey there's another music show about 1.5 hours away near my vacation condo tomorrow night. You guys want to go?! You can crash at my place after!" I said I might be interested. Darrell prodded me to go and suggested we drive up together. I decided to drive myself up the next night. We went to hear the music then crashed at Steve's condo. Steve put Darrell and I in a guest bedroom that had 2 beds. We ended up cuddling together in my bed that night and have been together since.


    About 4 months later Steve (who had been having trouble for years with his g/f Cheryl) one day said to me: "I'd keep an eye on Darrell. If Cheryl and I break up I think he's going to go after her." I was quite stunned and asked why he thought it. He told me he thought they've always had a thing for each other. Steve and Darrell have been friends for 15 years. I figured if he knows him that well he might know what he's talking about.


    I called Cheryl shortly after (who I had met once) to get her take on things. I told her I had something awkward to ask her she said "Please don't tell me you're going to ask me if I'm having an affair with Darrell!" She told me how Steve had been jealous and suspicious of them for years. I asked her if there was any truth to it. She kind of stuttered through her response and said "Darrell and I are just real good friends. And anyway, even if there were something it would never happen because of our mutual love for Steve." She also told me Steve has shown jealousy of her and another guy he was friends with and that after Steve fixed Darrell and I up he said to her: "I bet your bummed now that he's dating someone."


    A few weeks later I told my b/f about the situation. He was quite pissed to find out he was the last to know. When I asked him about his feelings for Cheryl he reiterated almost verbatim what she had said. He also wrote Steve a long letter. It basically said he has never been interested in Cheryl and was angry he was stirring up feelings in me. Steve didn't respond for 2 weeks. My b/f finally called him and they talked about everything over dinner and apparently squared things away. My b/f did say though that Steve told him the opposite: he told him he thought Cheryl was going to chase after Darrell.


    This whole thing has never sat well with me and almost ended my b/f and I's relationship. It still doesn't sit well with me. Steve and Cheryl moved in together a few months ago (she used to live 3 minutes from my b/f now living at Steve's she's 40 minutes away). Things have been really bad between them and she is probably going to move back to my b/f's neighborhood.


    I called Steve a few weeks ago and finally expressed how upset the whole thing had and still makes me. My b/f talks to Steve still but we haven't seen them as a couple for quite a while and my b/f recently told me Steve keeps asking for us to come to dinner at their place.


    Also to note: Steve had expressed feelings for me soon after he introduced me to Darrell one night when Darrell was in the men's room at a restaurant. I thougt he was kidding at first but months later he brought it up again.


    The whole thing is a mess. I feel like Steve used me as a pawn... and I am also concerned there really might be something between my b/f and Cheryl. They have talked about about their relationships over the years (when my b/f used to married) and how both partners were very jealous and controlling.... and now my b/f has lumped me into that category... even though I try to defend myself and say it is Steve's fault I started feeling that way.


    What would any of you do about this situation?

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