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Posts posted by rosarioT

  1. I want to say why I broke up with u, but I already told u why LOL

    I guess I'm just surprised to see how u try to wash your hands off and blame everything on me....

    Now you are trying to say we are the same because I talk to my friends in FB? Because I've male friends?

    Please... how can you compare a normal hi, hi chat on a wall, to getting a message from someone saying your bf is cheating on u.

    And I can't believe now you are saying you were just trying to make me jealous and your friend was helping you, what are you 12 ?

    And how can you even say she is a cool person? are u out of your mind? she throw u under the bus, butt-face

    Anyways, how are those games working out for u? lol

    I don't know what thought is worse, if u cheating or you being so immature...

    I don't even wanna text u no more... I don't even feel I need to explain myself to u no more...

  2. 11 missing calls and a few stupid text messages from u and all I gotta say is I AM DONE WITH YOUR BS. You are like a contagious disease... u are a liar, a cynic, a coward, irresponsible, manipulative, arrogant, full of hate, without self-esteem, someone who runs away when problems happen, judgmental, rude, addict, selfish, u can't listen, someone who can't express himself, u are full of sh!t, immature, people pleaser, a theft, dirty, a verbally abuser, careless when others are in pain, vengeful, ungrateful, hypocrite, miserable, empty, souless, self-destructive, jealous, full of inferiority complex, a cheater, lazy, disrespectful to your parents, someone who uses the pity of others to get what he wants, fearless of God, a poathead, a pig, an idiot, a guy with no money, no shame, no job, no dreams, no expectations, no car, no house, no family. You are a pain int he @ss to everyone around u, you are fake as my hair extensions, u always give up at everything, u are a loser, and I'm so glad you're out of my life for good.

  3. thekid55 ...u know... the thing I like about you is how open u are to talk about your feelings, at the end that will give u peace. IMO women are most of the time open to talk, to vent away, to express anger, pain, or whatever emotion we may be feeling... Men, on the other hand, gosh it's so hard to make a guy talk about how he truly feels, so good for u for not being afraid to be YOU... just don't let her confuse you... keep it real... she went cus she needed to get some things out of her chest and so did she... if there were other things she would have wanted to say, she would have done it... so don't try to read between the lines, and if she did contradict herself then is because she doesn't even know what she wants. honestly, I hate this type of games. so many people here would love to have the ex calling them or showing up at their door, but when someone doesn't want u in his/her life no more, it's better that they leave u alone.

  4. i'm sorry for not returning your calls but u gotta know this isn't working for me no more. You know how selfish it is to expect so much from me when u don't give nothing no more... u know i deserve better... u know the way u treat me hurts me so much... so don't expect my calls...if anything be man enough to understand you gave up on what we had and keep living ur life and let me live mine.

  5. I don't know if u think about me at all or not, but I hope u know how much I love you and how grateful I am for the wonderful momment you gave me. I'm sorry I've not called you but I've decided to distant myself so we both can heal inside.

    I'm so sorry you felt so out of place in life and never did more to help you out, I'm so sorry u ended up turning to drugs because how lonely and out of place u felt, i'm so sorry i was so selfish and didn't see what was behind your struggles... I'm so sorry I was not enough... But I don't blame u... I never gave myself completely, it was always about me and my priorities, and I never gave you a real place in my life. i couldn't... and for that I will always hate myself, but I know u'd never give up what we once had even if it was the same way all over again and true is neither would I....


    Sweet dreams my love... Forgive me for everything... You are amazing and I know you don't hold nothing against me because you have a beautiful heart, so please try to find your path... and fly high because u can be anything u want... I love you and I know you love me too. Duerme con los angeles mi cielo

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