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Posts posted by bigred

  1. last night i was with my gf and we had sex, everytime im about to cum i pull out, but i accidentely came inside of her, i had a condom on and everything, she was really really really upset and was really mad at me, she started crying and wanted to leave and i told her we should talk about it so we did, she was all talking about breaking up with me and everything but then we agreed to keep seeing each other, i still think shes upset and everything and she kinda made this comment right b4 she left, she was all like im so mad at u im gonna cheat on u with my guy friends and all ur friends, i dunno if i should b worried or not cuz shes still kinda pissed at me, how can i make her feel better

  2. ok, about a week ago my gf and i had sex twice in one day, once with a condom and the second time without, ever since then ive been getting a burning feeling at the tip everytime i goto the bathroom, i no that she doesnt have any stds or anything so what could this b from? could it b the way that we had sex or could it not b from sex at all

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