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Posts posted by nessa7139

  1. You have messed my head up again!!! I've allowed you to do it as well!

    I've let you back into my life even though we have agreed that we could never get back together!! I thought I could handle it and the situation, but as I sit here typing this, I am crying so hard because I miss you and love you so much.

    Us being fwb is never going to work for me because i cant separate my feelings of love from sex.. and soon enough you will meet someone and i will be hurting so bad!!

    Friday night was amazing and I felt so loved by you, the way you said you loved me and the way you held me and then the way we made love.... But i am so confused now...


    I cant let go and i know i should but i really haven't got the strength!! I'm so miserable without you but i'm not happy with you.. and I know you feel the same!!!

    You seem to be my guilty pleasure and I for you!!

    I love you so much but please leave me alone


  2. Dear Ex...


    I loved you whole heartedly (still do) but you are not going to ruin my life anymore!!! Its time I let go! I wish the child we had together wasn't yours, I really do as everytime I have to see you it hurts so much.

    You have now expressed your feelings about you new tart to me and I have not stopped crying for days!!!! Not good when you turn up 9n my doorstep with your new designer clothes whilst I am struggling to make ends meet. You seem to be happy now so good luck with your life.....


    However you are the biggest liar i have ever met, I chose to forgive and forget once before and it was probably the biggest mistake of my life.

    You have got me into trouble with fraud and never stood up for me whilst at court! My family hated you from the very start they saw thru you, and so did all my friends You have left me in debt, thanks!!!

    You told me you were divorced then when I was pregnant you admitted you are still married. You told me you could drive but when i was in labor you admitted you couldnt and I nearly gave birth on the doorstep!!!! The list is endless...


    What will happen now is that you will do it all over again with your someone new, You did it to me, your wife, and your other kids that you haven't been interested in for 6 years!!!!


    You really are lowlife scum, and I know the tears I cry for are not worth it....


    I hope your new gf see's through you quicker than I did.....

    So thankyou for leaving me and our daughter. Its the best thing you have ever done.

  3. Still DAY 8



    Well he didn't turn up.... I had one very sad 2 year old on my hands so we went macdonalds as a treat, and then to nanny and grandads.... needless to say she got spoilt!!!!!



    How I feel.... Angry, hateful, resentful, and extremely pissed off....


    Hurt me but not my kids.....


    Dear Chris

    Go throw yourself under a train

  4. Day 7


    I forgot to post yesterday as I was busy meeting with my Sister who I haven't spoken to in 10 months, however, on day 5 he contacted me about our daughter, but since then nothing, so I guess my NC mission is still going strong!!!

    I thanked him for letting me go when we text (day 5) and I feel so much better for doing so.... I of course still love him deeply and we have shared so much together but I am getting my head around the fact that he is not right for me...

    I will (unfortunately) always have to have a certain amount of contact with him, but I think I am now ready to except and move on without him.

  5. Day 5


    I received a text message this morning asking if he could take our daughter out on Sunday to which i've agreed.

    So on Sunday I will have to see him......

    I also told him that if I find out his new woman is there it will be his last time of taking her out and he will see her in my house... Was that wrong????


    Anyway he keeps denying there is someone else I keep calling him a liar and we're going backwards and forwards with this.


    Any suggestions on what to do please??

  6. Day 4


    Not been up long, (8.25am UK) and i've started to remember the way he would text me to say good morning, after he left for work.

    I'm crying a lot, which isn't healthy for the kids to see, but I cant help myself......


    I need to remember that he cheated lied and played with my head....

    Mornings always seem worse for some reason.

  7. Day 3


    Woke up feeling quite positive, and determined to just get on with my day....


    Its now lunchtime and so far I haven't stopped wondering about if he's gonna call or text.

    I know I'm torturing myself but cant help it.....

    Its early days but what with Christmas approaching I feel very alone....


    if one good thing has come from this its gotta be that my sister and I are talking again after 10 months of silence..


    Until tomorrow


  8. Day2


    Woke up thinking of him, made a coffee thinking of him, WHY can't I stop thinking about him???

    I do miss him so much but i am determined not to contact him.

    Blocked him from fb last night, Slagged him off to a few friends..... Didnt make me feel any better though!!


    It's our daughters 3rd birthday in two weeks, pretty sure i'll have to see him but I dont want to.

    I just have this choked up feeling with me constantly...When will it go???



  9. Ok... This is day 5 for me.



    I fell like crap, I can't stop thinking about him and who is with? After 5 years and a child together, I keep thinking surely he'll be back. After all he has done this before (6 months apart but contact) and realised he made a mistake!!!


    Does NC really work????


    Someone advise pls I'm cracking up!!

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