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Posts posted by tubalcain

  1. its like this...


    it is the primitive evolution...that is under all else...


    and i dont care about jail


    that is just a coersive method to keep the masses in check...I mean the police ar the standing army of the ruling class society always uses viloence as its ultmate censure...your argument vontradicts itself...I should modify my behaviour because violence will be done to me by the state in the form of the courts....


    ..........do you deny thta we have war hero's,, who were killing people they dont know on a plotitions say so??????


    thre is a time for everthuing


    a time for peace a time for war a time for thinging a time for doing....each thin has its time


    women, cause mental rape of men often throught thier sexuality...men find it very hard to resit this urge...but they are expected to....


    thre should be some law about this...


    Physical violence / rape is just as bad as mental rape....


    like the other day, my ex gf just pulls my dick out of my shortas and plays with it and then expects me to do nothing in response?????


    what do you think?

  2. alls fair in love and war...she declared war on you.

    you fought back....good on you



    but rememebr discretion is the beter part of valor...


    what about all the disturbances her action cause you withyour life...?


    I beat up this new guy dating my girlfriend...he screwed her twice...third time he came over, i pulled him out of the car and beat him up, i didnt hit him..he was such a coward just begged me not to hit him...


    I should have hit him twice hard...so that he had a story to explain, i did ruff him up though threw him to the round inront of my girlfir3end, and maybe head butted him


    she probally still sees him but no matter what she will always knows i can beat him up any time i choose...it evelution man..she will never respect this guy the same way...even if she gets with him....u just cant...and i felt great!


    just wish i hit him twice hard in the face.


    Physical violevnce also changes behaviour patters, pain is the ultimated behaviour modification tool followed by fear...it how we survive.


    May go back and do this yet!

  3. hi....


    I am 28, almost 29....


    my girlfriend of 2 years is breaking up with me I dont know what to do. love her more than my life.....


    she is seeing this other guy already......

    I hurt so much...i want to die....ireally dont care any more...i have nothing to live for.....I have been unemployed for a while and few friends now becuase of that. What do i do...

    I studied engineering and did well but could neer find employment,, so i started medicine...but i cannot be motivated without her. I am about 170 cm, and thus short, every girl I have been out with has said that i am short...even now one of the reasons she is leavinfg me is becuase i am short...she hates that. This isnt my fault, i dint choose it.


    i had one other gil i loved we were only together for a few weeks, and after that it took me 2 years to get over it....even then not completely...i almost killed myself....


    now its 2 almost 3years with this girl...andmi just have nothing left nothing left to go to every morning when iwake up no where to go...no future...i want to die...i think i am not meant for this world icannot sleep i think i am losing my mind...i just cant handle this...the rest of my life to be rejected.....I cant go on any more


    i live in sydney australia.


    every second is to long.....


    i have no-one

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