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Posts posted by SkoolHatr438

  1. Hey my name is gabe and i just came out to my best friend peter. i told him i was bi....peter knew that i was thinking about it for awhile but i came out to him tuesday when he spent a nite at my house....we talked for a long time and i told him i was bi and that i wanted to do sumthing with a guy but i dont kno who to ask or what...and he said that he would let me do stuff to him..so i gave him head. He is str8 though (well he says he is) and i believe him...but that fact that he let me blow him confuses me a little...does a typical str8 guy let his friend give him head?


    well anyways it was awesome for me cuz it was my first gay experience. but i want to do it again....but with him. i want to give him another blow job but im not sure if he would let me...


    do u think that he would let me give him another b.j if i gave him one already? please help me im confused


    and no we were not drunk or high when it happened....sober and well normal

  2. hey if u have read my past entries u will kno that i like my best friend peter and i would do anything to do sumthing with him....well last nite that happened..i wont tell the story because its really long but we were talking and he said he would let me do sumthing to him. so i gave him a blowjob. Now he says he is totally straight, but is it normal for a stright guy to let another guy give him head?

    i want to do it again. what i did was what i have been waiting for for about a year now and it finally happened! i want to suck him off again but i dont know how to ask him? should i just ask him? do u think he would let me if he let me last nite? or do u think it was just a one time deal?


    please help me!!!!!!!!!!

  3. to continue with my "quest" to see if my best friend is bi or sumthing (cuz i am in love with him) i have a question.....


    he calls himself a voluntary vigin because he has had the opportunity to have sex a few times but chose not to. (he has fingered a girl before and has received a blowjob). i mean he always talks about sex and he has a lot of porn, so i wouldnt he want sex if he has condoms and all as well?


    i dunno i think its kinda weird that he calls himself a voluntary virgin what do u think..str8? ro bi?

  4. ...if u have been keeping up with my entries u will know that i am in love with my best friend....we do everything together and spend a nite at each others houses all the time.

    well i am bi and he doesnt know that i am sure that i am bi...i told him i was thinking about it and he said he has thought about it too..but back to the story....


    ok this weekend he spend a nite and we were asleep. we sleep on the same bed and we like touch each other (not sexually) wehn we are asleep....just like moving around touching and well he puts his leg over me (unconsiously-i think-) and i dont mind i put my hand around him and stuff like that....well this time when he put his leg over me i caught woke up and i noticed my hand was on his groin (sp) area, basically his crotch, and i get the idea that maybe i can touch him. so i move my hand and just brush his penis and he moved a little i waited for like 5 mintues and i rested my hand on his penis. he was soft at the time and i just like felt his manhood in my hand. i left it there for a long time and i started moving my hand a little and he started to get hard. now... my quyestion is....was he really asleep through all of this? i mean that is how far i got. nuthing else happened, but believe me i was so happy!!!!! but please help me.


    do u think he was asleep and had no idea what was happening?


    do u think he was asleep, knew he was being touched but still was out of it and didnt kno exactly wat was happening?


    or do u think he was woke up right when my hand was on it and acted like he was asleep the entire time?


    MSN: email removed

    AIM: SkoolHatr438

    YAHOO: SkoolHatr4382002

  5. Dear Peter,


    This letter is to tell you about the real me, the me that has been kept secret for quite sometime. I am who I am and I am hoping you will be able to accept me for that. I feel that I am putting on a never ending show, and that I'm hiding myself not only from you but from everyone else in my life. I just want to let you know that you've helped me open my eyes and see myself truly. I was a person who was undecided, confused and sometimes forgot to plan, maybe because of the fate my life had given me. But now, I overcome it because you've helped me see my directions and gave me great confidence for my future. You show me how to grow beyond myself. You made me see possibilities that I never knew. I am not sure if you will understand the way I feel, but please don't think different of me. Peter, I'm bi. I have been thinking and feeling this pull between sexuality for a few years now, but I have never liked anyone before. When I met you everything changed.

    When I sit here thinking about you, I just grow to love you more everyday day. You make me feel like I am in heaven in the arms of an Angel, but that is only a fraction of how I feel. The way I really feel cannot be read on paper or typed in a messenger window, it is the feeling I get just standing next you, looking into your eyes and not being able to hold back my smile. My wish is that you could feel all the passion and love that I carry around in my heart and soul for you. You have won my love and my desire. You have gotten it all, even my heart. You and I have an amazing friendship, but as it goes on I wonder which is it ... friends or lovers? That is my uncertainty. We've been friends for a while and now the friendship isn't that of anymore for me. I have fallen in love with you and don't know how to tell you ...to tell you that I am your soul mate masquerading as your best friend.

    Love always and forever,



    what do u think about the letter? what do u think i should do? please help me..i am so confused.

  6. Hey. im Gabe and im 17 years old. my life has been confusing for a long time but it has grown to be a bigger part of my life. I am bi. i have had crushes over lots of guys and girls but this time it is different. it started as a crush but it evolved into something incredible, and i dont know what i would do if i were to never see him again. oh yeah....no one knows im bi, or do they? (that is what this story is about, please tell me wat u think)


    it started this school year... This new guy at my school, Peter, is awesome. At first i had a crush on him, basically on his appearance and what i knew of him. He was into everything i was into and didnt seem rude at all. About 2 months into school i saw him looking for a ride because his mom couldnt pick him up, so i offered to take him home. on our way to drop him he said that his mom had new hours at work so he was going to be needing a ride, i told him i could give him one whenever he needed because he lived on the way back to my house. when we arrived he said thanks and invited me to a party later that night. he said it is going to be a few people. well that is when we started to become friends. we would talk everyday and just have fun. We started to become even better friends and we started to spend a nite at each others house on the weekend. when we spend anite we sleep on the same bed together, but not do anything..we r good enough friends to just "sleep together." about a month ago i knew i could trust peter so i told him he was one of my best friends, and he said the same...


    this past weekend he spent a nite over and we stayed up till like 6 in the morning talking and stuff....we some how got on the subject of gay and bi ppl and he said that sexuality does not bother him becuase he does a lot of acting and a lot of his friends are gay and bi. i felt relieved that he would not be bothered by my preference if i decided to tell him. we then decided to look at porn and we went onto a site with stories. on the site i saw this link to a picpost and i said we should check it out. without hiesitation he cliked the link and we went. we went to the section for girls and were looking at the different pics the girls have posted. i said that i think this is the site that my friend posted me onto, so he decided to go to the boys section and look for me. on that section there were of bunch if nude guys but he wasnt all like sick he jsut kept looking and i ran into an ad that looked like my friend from my old high school... i decided to take out my yearbook to see if that was him and it was (go figure.) anyways i said hey let me show u my friend jason on the net..he is in a band and they might play here. i took him to the site and he said that jason is gay (i still like jason a lot but im not sure if he is gay or bi...but now peter is all i think about), and i got really happy and asked what made him think that. he said u can tell by the way he is holding his guitar and his stance, and he asked what was he like and i told him all the little things jason did and he said yeah he is deffinetely gay or at least. bi...


    to skip a lot of random info we laid down and we talked about masturbating for a long time but nothing happened. the next day i started to think and became really paranoid. i was thinking if he knew jason is gay or bi just by a pic he would deffinetly know if i was bi, because he is always around bi and gay ppl in theater. i am kind of nervous to be around him, but i still hang out around and he still comes over and spends a nite with me still sleeping in the same bed. if he does kno and he is still himself around me, he is now an even better friend because it doesnt bother him. i love him so much and i want to tell him how i feel about him, but im scared out of my mind. all i want to do is be with him or him with me...basically all i want to do is just be together. but what do u think? do u think he knows?


    please write me an email or IM me

    email removed

    AIM: Skool Hatr438

    MSN: (my email)

    Yahoo: SkoolHatr4382002

  7. Hey there is this guy who used to go to my skool and all the girls liked him. he went out with about 4 of the girls at my school and has sex with a girl before, but all of his previous girl friends and some other girls are saying that he is a bit curious and will grow up to be gay.

    my question is should i go with what the girls are saying about him or should i just keep it on the low and try to find out myself. (oh yeah! i am bi and i like him, which is why i want to know because i would like to be with him.) let me kno what i should do


  8. hey man my name is gabe and i just added u to my msn messenger (SkoolHatr438@link removed)...

    ok well when i found out i was bi it was with this one guy! i mean i was so attracted to him it was crazzy!!!!! i am still attractive today. but i think u might know if u are bi if you like the sense of being with the same gender. i mean ppl tell me "o ur not bi or gay unless u have sex with the same gender", but the way i see it is a LifeStyle! its what and how you feel about the same sex. U said ur turned on by guys...well do u think about them after u see them, and do u think about them nude, and even having sex or doing sumthing with them? add me to msn man and we can talk more? Love- Gabe (sorry about spelling i dont care to go back anc check)

  9. i did my research on the whole biblical issue when i was thinking about my sexualoty and one of my best friends just got his masters in theology. what i gained from research and from him said that being gay or bisexual is not a sin. it only becomes a sin when u have sex (the same sin u commit when u have sex outside of marriage). they also think i just want my friend for sex. I DONT want to have sex, that is the last thing on my mind. i look at personality, how much we have in common, and what kind of person they are, and then i look at looks. And it just so happens he is a guy!

  10. hey im 16 and i really like this guy...well luv him..i mean he is the only person i have ever really liked. i have never had a g/f or a b/f before and i want him to be my first, but i dunno if he is bi or gay. i mean there r a lot of little things that he says and does but i dunno if he is just playing around. (he says he likes to joke around like he is gay) im so confused and sad becuase i want to be with him, but he also doesnt kno im bi. this sounds really stupid cuz i am thinking of everything at once and writing it down randomly. please tell me what i can do to find out if he is bi or how i can come out to him to let him kno -Gabe


    AIM: SkoolHatr438

    MSN: email removed

  11. Hey my name is Gabe and i am 17 years old. Ok there is this boy that I like a lot, well love, but i dont know if he is bi or gay. some of my friends think he is from what i tell him he does and stuff, but i am not to sure. I am also scared on telling him that i am bi.

    I met this guy when i was a freshman in H.S. When i first saw him i liked him i mean he is cute. I then started talking to him and his personality (the main thing i look for in someone) was awesome! me and him like the same things!!! but anyways.....i recently moved away and i didnt see or talk to him in a long time because we didnt have each others phone numbers or email addresses. Not until this past summer was i able to finally get his AIM screen name. i instant messaged him as soon as he signed on and said hey whats up and we talked for a long time. We were talking and he said that it was great to talk to me again and he misses me. About 2 months later (this past summer) i was in my old town where he lives and i gave him my cell number. I was with my friend Denise and my cell phone rang, and it was him. he said that his band had a gig tonite and he wanted to kno i could go. i told him i would try my best and he said "ok well please come man, i want to see you and i want u to see us play." (thats one of the things i picked up). Well i went and when we saw each other we hugged Back on messenger we still tell each other man we need to see each other again. He made a comment one time (sort of as a thank you) saying, when i see u i will rub warm oils all over you. (but he jokes around like that...freshman year and still now he jokes around like he is gay. he used to hug me and say that i gave him a boner and all this stuff) But OMG there r a lot of little things he says and stuff that makes me wonder if he is.

    i am hoping and praying that he is atleast bi because i want to be with him and just...i dunno i luv him a lot and I wanna kno so bad if he is bi or gay? what do u think? and what should i do? should i tell him that i am bi? Please help me i am so confused. (this was written kinda fast becuze everything was coming at me at once, if u want to talk to me i am always on AIM: SkoolHatr438 MSN Messenger: email removed)

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