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Posts posted by Michele32

  1. I don't understand. I can't accept what happened. It's not right. We were great together. I don't understand how you could be so cold and disconnected and just done. After everything - it doesn't make any sense. And now you are interested in someone? Already? You make me feel like . Like I am just not good enough for you and that if I acted different we wouldn't be where we are. We shouldn't be doing this. We are supposed to be together forever. Thanks for breaking my heart one last time

  2. Sometimes I wish we never met. We could have had such a good life together. I don't know why you can't see it. I shouldn't have reached out to you. It was nice to hear that you miss me and I'm everything you want but I don't want to be with you. You're too much effort and it's not worth it anymore. I tried for over 2 years and you made it so much more complicated than it needed to be. Don't tell me things you don't mean. I really wish I never met you. When am I supposed to move on. I hate this. It makes a person never want to fall in love again. The heartbreak almost isn't worth it. I'm so mad at you.

  3. I'm going on almost a month of NC. It was a relief in the beginning and I felt wonderful. This past week has been pretty brutal I don't want to get back together with him- we are not meant to be, it's just that I miss him. He was not only my boyfriend but my best friend so I've been feeling really lonely. I have great friends and family but the connection isn't the same. I know I have to stay busy and I'm not tempted to contact him, I guess I just need someone to listen. Thanks.

  4. This is my first time posting something like this, I think it is going to help my healing process of a break up. I felt better already when I was done writing it.


    My heart and soul are crushed.

    I smile, but it's not real.

    I'm broken from the pain I feel.


    My world is somber, I'm all alone.

    I know the heaviness of my heart will fade,

    how soon though..only one can pray.


    How do you feel content with an empty spirit?

    I want to be numb,

    I can't think about what's become.


    Patience and time are key

    to get back to the real me,

    I just want to be free.

  5. i just finished reading "safe haven" by nicholas sparks(my faaav author..what can i say, im a hopeless romantic)....Ive read all his books and Im going to have to say that this is my least favorite! any one else feel this way? I love the twist that he ususally has in his books, but this one was so predictable and not very exciting a little disappointed nicholas

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