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Posts posted by longrun

  1. hi, i'm new here...I've been in a cyber relationship for yrs which is accross countries..I'm talkin to him online most of the time but also trying calling once in a while.. I wasnt asked for anything due to the distance prob btw us but 9 out 10 times is me calling him even though it's more costy for me to make the calls... when I complained sometimes about this, he's always saying if u'r with me in the same place, I could do everything for u, but rite now he doesnt know wat to do..

    As time goes by, I've got the fact that the things i told him he seldom could remember even my dirthday..the reason for that he was explaining to me was he's too busy and had got a bad memory..and then ended up with 'dont say that plzz..I'm urs..I'm loving more than myself..'

    so many thing had happened i felt r just unfair to me..need ur opinion if he really loves me or is this the way he tackle with relationship like this..

    I'm confused..

  2. I met my bf online also and we r in this relationship for long.. I was asked to do the same thing several times as u had been asked and did..fortunatly, I didnt take those pict.s or even sent to him.. feel lucky..

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