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Posts posted by MrSpeed

  1. Went to see my step-grandchildren yesterday and it went well. I was just myself and you know, I looked at her and didn't feel anything at all. I was there about half an hour and when I left I went to shake her hand, rather than give her a kiss. She told me to kiss her goodbye, so I did. Picking up the rest of my stuff this week and then the real NC starts.

  2. Got to go over her place in about an hour, it's her youngest grandchild's 2nd birthday and I became Grandpa to her when she was born, so I have presents and a card for her. Her boys have nothing to do with their real father. I'm not looking forward to seeing my ex at all. Although we spoke last Tuesday, after 24 days NC, this will be the first time I've met up with her in 29 days. Not sure how I'm going to feel. Meeting a pal straight after, so that will help.


    It's really weird as on Thursday I had a kind of non-religious epiphany. I suddenly felt OK about everything, it felt like a huge weight had been lifted. Very odd. I could see light at the end of the tunnel and realised there was life after her.

  3. Broke NC yesterday, bad move, got very down yesterday, she was so cold towards me, only a text message and a phone call but it was like talking to a stranger. She has buried her head in the sand and I will have to actually see her in the next week or so to collect all of my stuff. Not looking forward to that. However, once I have moved everything out, then I have some kind of closure and I can go proper NC, that is at least a couple of weeks away.


    I don't really know what I expected but after not talking for 24 days I thought she might be a bit warmer. She told me that she had good days and bad days and that she had often thought of contacting me but did not want to discuss, 'us'. Guess it's really over and I now have to move on and get on with my life. I know that in the 9 years we were together I changed her life, I opened her eyes to the world and spoilt her, I gave her my heart and was an easy touch. I did not deserve this.

  4. Day 19


    Wow, nearly 3 weeks. Met with two of her boys yesterday, one of them celebrated his 21st, so we went for a couple of drinks. Didn't bring her up in conversation at all. Life is defintely getting easier and I can now see a future without her. I'm giving this 30 days and then I will have to make contact as I still have lots of stuff to pick up from her place. Then it will hit her that we are really over. She asked for space, she got it, she will not intitiate contact, too stubborn, I will have to make the final decision.


    If she is happier now then we are really done, if she is still unsure, then I will finish it. I have to get on with my life and move on, have lots of plans for my future now. However, if she does want to talk through any issues and give it another go, I would have to think long and hard about it.

  5. Day 17


    Difficult. Met with two of her sons yesterday and they seem to think that we really are through, their mum is digging her heels in, they agreed we both need to sit down and talk but I'm not ready to do that just yet. They were both genuinely upset that it may finally be over. I need to be very strong in the next couple of weeks.

  6. Met with her youngest son today and we spent a few hours together. He told me that she is still missing me but she is very confused. He said that she talks about me quite a bit and all of the boys are trying to encourage her to contact me. He told me that they all really miss me and just want us to be back together. He also said that she tries really hard to see the negatives from our relationship but then ends up going on about the positives.


    I was with him for about 3 hours and we had a really good time together. I got home and she texted me, she actually asked me a couple of specific questions that I had to answer and she asked me how I was. I told her I was doing fine. I wanted to speak to her and I wanted to write more in the text message but I didn't. Kept it short and sweet. Nine days without contact from me.

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