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Posts posted by Angelaa

  1. I dont get why you never answered my last emails... even from your perspective I don't get it. I hate that there was no closure with us. I went to the first spot I met you today to try and find it and it just all felt so grey and our story had so much more of a bitter ending than I expected. I know you don't deserve this but I'm sorry for doubting our love at times. I truly am. I am completely in love with you. Always have been and I will continue to be for a very long time.

  2. I am treating this a lot like a diary so SORRY IF I RAMBLE ON


    OK no contact starting tomorrow! This will be VERY hard for me I live in a pretty small town and will inevitably hear about the people/things he is doing. Especially with pretty much the same groups of friends. I don't go digging but it does come up. I loved him so much and he is a guy with two sides. He admits it is easier being who he is now (a lier, a cheater) than who he once really was... he needs to truly grow up which at this point im doubting may ever happen. ANYWAYS the point is he is NOT who I fell in love with and made him out to be so I need to stop contacting him. I have been going crazy with the texts and calls and going to his place lately ( I KNOW ITS EMBARRASSING ). And it has only hurt me more. So tomorrow is a new day. Last time we talked was a few days ago. It felt horrible I still love what we once had and he is pretty well on his way to being over it.. SO I know it is definitely for the better that I start NC. I am soooo scared and more upset in the last 3 days than I have EVER been about the breakup which basically was dragged out until a little while ago. I believe that because he was cheating he obviously wasn't as attached as I was so this has and will always be harder for me. I do not regret anything and I am looking forward to the stronger/happier and all around better person I will become through this loss. I have had my focus on him for 8 years now. Time to look ahead. Tomorrow is a brand new day.


    So I am doing NC. It is weird though because we are on "ok" terms in his minds cause I didnt want him to know I was still so upset. So anyways he msgs me and stuff and I feel like ignoring him is more of a statement almost... like im just being stubborn. Basically last week when he first completely gave me closure i freaked out and said no i need to talk to you about it. but now i see that isnt a good idea and dont want to. i know i still have an effect on him just out of habit because its been 12 hours of not talking and hes saying i shouldnt ignore him and asking when i want to talk? should i respond quickly? or nothing at all? thanks guys!

  4. Here I am again, whatever at least I'm not actually texting YOU. The funny thing is... I KNOW for a fact that you would text me in at MOST 2 days if I ignored you... and yet... I still can't. I just want to say that the anger is taking over the sadness right now... it switches back and forth... and I want to thank you for giving me 2 years of memories that hurt because you slept with 2 girls while we were dating that I never knew about. How did you even have the time? How the @&*% didn't I know?! We were together almost every day. I can't believe you did this... I actually can't believe it. First of all, you were SO lucky to have a girl like me.. Im not over confidant but everyone else agrees. I saved you from the worst time in your life you told me that too every day. And what did you leave me with? A health problem and a lot of pain and anger... NOT TO MENTION she was absolutely positively disgusting. Once again not trying to be conceited but she doesn't even compare to me. I just simply don't understand how you do what you do. How you lie and lie and lie. How you actually sleep with another person with no remorse. How it doesnt KILL you like it kills me that you threw EVERYTHING away for what? For that one experience. I just.. dont.. get it. And I need answers... and I want to text you for answers... but you wont give me any because you dont HAVE ANY. WHYYYYY do I keep checking my phone every 2 seconds to see if you have said something. Please something out there STOP ME.

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