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Posts posted by mensrea

  1. I left a message some days ago about a guy I love, who is online. Since then, he left me a message on my phone to say 'I miss you.' He didn't say anything else though. He didn't answer a couple of messages I left for him asking what he's been up to lately (because I haven't seen him online for several days now), and to be honest, a 'hey, how are you? Are you feeling better? How're things at school?' from him, would have been nice. Or am I just being really pathetic in wanting him to ask these things? I just think that if the situation was reversed and I knew that he was feeling ill, unhappy at school etc, that I would have kept bugging him to make sure that he was okay.

  2. Firstly, I don't believe that you can fall in love with someone at the age of ten or eleven. You can develop a crush, certainly, but that's about it. It sounds as if your 'crush' has just been awakened, that's all. It isn't love, as you don't even know each other and it doesn't sound as if it was something that was 'meant to be', either. However, I'm sure there is one nice guy out there with whom it is meant to be. Good luck in finding him!

  3. I am 18. I met a man in his twenties online, last year. I said that I loved him, he said he loved me too. He wanted to meet up, but I was too nervous. He disappeared offline for six months, and ignored my e-mails. I felt incredibly hurt, sad and angry. I had just started to get him out of my head, when he was back on the scene again. I was reluctant to meet up again, and put it off. He seemed okay with that. He is nice to me. He seems concerned when I'm unwell, is interested in me and the things I'm doing and doesn't mind if I don't make much sense sometimes. However, on the odd occasion that I have said that I loved him, he just asked me 'do you?' or completely ignored it. Last night, I was feeling awful. Really unwell and he seemed genuinely sympathetic. But this morning... he didn't ask how I was, ignored a message I left on his phone saying I was feeling down at school, and he made no attempt to answer. I feel as if he doesn't care. I know it's hard with the whole online thing, and we sometimes misunderstand each other I know, but what do you think this means?

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