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Posts posted by oasisrob22

  1. Went to a country concert the other night. It was really good. You would've loved it. I had planned on getting tickets for us to go when it announced over the summer that they would be in town this month haha. Good job I didn't, huh?


    It saddens me that you're telling people I did things that I did not do. It hurts, but in a way, it sure as hell is speeding up the "getting over you" process. Keep running your mouth, it'll do you no good, you'll lose your friends, and this guy won't be talking to you for a long, long time. Not that we talk now anyway, but it's on my terms, and hot damn it feels good to finally be in control of the situation and start putting myself before you.


    With that being said, I do try to remember the good times and the good memories. You're a sweet girl, just got a lot of growing up to do. Leave the drama and passive-aggressiveness aside. It will do you good, trust me.


    I'm sorry that we can't be best friends. But you must realize, our best friendship/relationship/whatever the hell we were the past few months must be sacrificed now that you're in a new relationship. I have to do what's best for me. Actually, I'm not sorry. It's just the right thing to do.


    I really hope you're doing well. Yes, you're on my mind constantly, but not as much as you were a month ago. I know in time, you'll fade out. I pray for you every Sunday at church, just making sure that God is looking upon you as he looks upon me everyday.


    Take care of yourself, kid.

  2. Why did you text me today asking if I've heard the new Taylor Swift song ("Mine")? Of course I have, you know I'm a big T-Swift fan. And now I can't stop playing the song. Why did you ask if I got your tweet at me? You know I'm not following you. And I told you that. And you respond "Ahh ok." And I don't respond. We keep playing this sad game. It sucks so bad. I love you so much, and listening to "Mine" over and over isn't helping one bit.


    I'm going to my second counseling appointment tomorrow morning. I can't wait to get some advice on what I should do about you.


    Sometimes I just want to text you and say "I'm sorry I f-ed everything up." What good would that do?


    Time will tell, sweetheart. Until then...

  3. I don't know why you sent me that text. What did you want me to say? "OMG baby I'm so sorry about what happened the other night I want you back so bad?" You know this already. You've known it for three months. I can't take back what happened a few nights ago, but I am going to see a counselor to better myself, first and foremost. You want the easy way out? You want this as an excuse to leave? Go for it. I'll find another you, but even better. But if you want to be with me, I'll make you the happiest girl in the world. This, you already know. So what's it gonna be?

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